Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 04.09.2024

Für den 04.09.2024 wurden 14 Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv veröffentlicht.


Autoren: Ben Cassese, Justin Vega, Tiger Lu, Malena Rice, Avishi Poddar, David Kipping

Kurztext: While astronomers often assume that exoplanets are perfect spheres when analyzing observations, the subset of these distant worlds that are subject to strong tidal forces and/or rapid rotations are expected to be distinctly ellipsoidal or even triaxial. Since a planet’s response to these forces is determined in part by its interior structure, measurements of an exoplanet’s deviations from spherical symmetry can lead to powerful insights into its composition and surrounding environment. These shape deformations will imprint themselves on a planet’s phase curve and transit lightcurve and cause small (1s-100s of parts per million) deviations from their spherical-planet counterparts. Until recently, these deviations were undetectable in typical real-world datasets due to limitations in photometric precision. Now, however, current and soon-to-come-online facilities such as JWST will routinely deliver observations that warrant the consideration of more complex models. To this end we present squishyplanet, a JAX-based Python package that implements an extension of the polynomial limb-darkened transit model presented in Agol et al. 2020 to non-spherical (triaxial) planets, as well as routines for modeling reflection and emission phase curves.


Autoren: K. L. Chubb, D. Samra, Ch. Helling, L. Carone, D. M. Stam

Kurztext: We simulate the geometric albedo spectra of hot Jupiter exoplanets HD 209458 b and WASP-43 b, based on global climate model (GCMs) post-processed with kinetic cloud models. We predict WASP-43 b to be cloudy throughout its dayside, while HD 209458 b has a clear upper atmosphere around the hot sub-solar point, largely due to the inclusion of strong optical absorbers TiO and VO in the GCM for the latter causes a temperature inversion. In both cases our models find low geometric albedos – 0.026 for WASP-43b and 0.028 for HD 209458 b when averaged over the CHEOPS bandpass of 0.35 – 1.1 microns – indicating dark daysides, similar to the low albedos measured by observations. We demonstrate the strong impact of clouds that contain Fe-bearing species on the modelled geometric albedos; without Fe-bearing species forming in the clouds, the albedos of both planets would be much higher (0.518 for WASP-43 b, 1.37 for HD 209458 b). We conclude that a cloudy upper or mid-to-lower atmosphere that contains strongly absorbing Fe-bearing aerosol species, is an alternative to a cloud-free atmosphere in explaining the low dayside albedos of hot Jupiter atmospheres such as HD 209458 b and WASP-43 b.


Autoren: Tao Fu, Yue Wang

Kurztext: A significant proportion of exoplanets have been detected with highly tilted or even polar orbits relative to their host stars‘ equatorial planes. These unusual orbital configurations are often linked to post-disk secular interactions among multiple bodies. However, many aspects remain elusive. In this study, we investigate the role of disk-induced spin-orbit misalignments in shaping architecture of multi-planet systems, taking into account the combined effect of the host star’s oblateness and the full-space disk potential. We demonstrate that large mutual planetary inclinations can arise from a saddle-center bifurcation occurring during the photoevaporation of the disk. This bifurcation triggers an instant, non-adiabatic transition in the planet’s libration. Following this process, the orbital evolution diverges into several distinct patterns. Notably, in scenarios involving a near-polar primordial misalignment, the orbit, consistently librating about a coplanar equilibrium axis, can be captured by an orthogonal equilibrium during the decay of the stellar oblateness. However, the orbit will be eventually recaptured by the coplanar equilibrium, aligned or anti-aligned with the orientation of the outer orbit, resulting in either a prograde or retrograde inner-outer orbit configuration. Additionally, general relativity contributes to maintaining eccentricity stability within these dynamic scenarios. Through the proposed mechanism, we can provide a plausible explanation for the unique, near-perpendicular and likely retrograde orbit architecture observed in the HD 3167 system, enhancing our understanding of exoplanetary system dynamics.


Autoren: S. Filomeno, K. Biazzo, M. Baratella, S. Benatti, V. D’Orazi, S. Desidera, L. Mancini, S. Messina, D. Polychroni, D. Turrini, L. Cabona, I. Carleo, M. Damasso, L. Malavolta, G. Mantovan, D. Nardiello, G. Scandariato, A. Sozzetti, T. Zingales, G. Andreuzzi, S. Antoniucci, A. Bignamini, A.S. Bonomo, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, A.F.M. Fiorenzano, S. Fonte, A. Harutyunyan, C. Knapic

Kurztext: The study of exoplanets at different evolutionary stages can shed light on their formation, migration, and evolution. The determination of exoplanet properties depends on the properties of their host stars. It is therefore important to characterise the host stars for accurate knowledge on their planets. Our final goal is to derive, in a homogeneous and accurate way, the stellar atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of ten young TESS transiting planet-hosting GK stars followed up with the HARPS-N at TNG spectrograph within the GAPS programme. We derived stellar kinematic properties, atmospheric parameters, and abundances of 18 elements. Lithium line measurements were used as approximate age estimations. We exploited chemical abundances and their ratios to derive information on planetary composition. Elemental abundances and kinematic properties are consistent with the nearby Galactic thin disk. All targets show C/O<0.8 and 1.0<Mg/Si<1.5, compatible with silicate mantles made of a mixture of pyroxene and olivine assemblages. The Fe/Mg ratios, with values of ∼0.7-1.0, show a propensity for the planets to have big (iron) cores. All stars hosting very low-mass planets show Mg/Si values consistent with the Earth values, thus demonstrating their similar mantle composition. Hot Jupiter host stars show a lower content of O/Si, which could be related to the lower presence of water content. We confirm a trend found in the literature between stellar [O/Fe] and total planetary mass, implying an important role of the O in shaping the mass fraction of heavy elements in stars and their disks. The detailed host star abundances provided can be employed for further studies on the composition of the planets within the current sample, when their atmospheres will be exploited.


Autoren: F. Liebing, S. V. Jeffers, P. Gorrini, C. A. Haswell, S. Dreizler, J. R. Barnes, C. Hartogh, V. Koseleva, F. Del Sordo, P. J. Amado, J. A. Caballero, M. J. López-González, N. Morales, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, E. Rodríguez, L. Tal-Or, Y. Tsapras

Kurztext: Aims. Using HARPS spectroscopic data obtained by the RedDots campaign, as well as archival data from HARPS and CARMENES, supplemented with ASH2 and T90 photometry, we aim to search for additional planets around the three M dwarfs GJ 832, GJ 674, and Ross 128. We also aim to determine limits on possible undetected, habitable planets. We investigate (i) the reliability of the recovered orbital eccentricities and (ii) the reliability of Bayesian evidence as a diagnostic for selecting the best model.
Methods. We employed Markov-chain Monte Carlo, nested sampling, and Gaussian process (GP) analyses to fit a total of 20 different models. We used the residuals to create grids for injection-recovery simulations to obtain detection limits on potentially undiscovered planets.
Results. Our refined orbital elements for GJ 832 b, GJ 674 b, and Ross 128 b confirm (GJ 832, GJ 674) or increase (Ross 128) prior eccentricity determinations. No additional planets were found in any of the systems. The detection limits obtained for all three systems are between 30 and 50 cm/s for orbital periods in the range of 1 to 10 000 days. Using N-body simulations, we find that undiscovered secondary planets are unlikely (Ross 128) or incapable (GJ 674) of having caused the observed eccentricities of the known planets. We find that the eccentricity of GJ 832 b is not significantly different from zero.
Conclusions. GJ 832 b, GJ 674 b, and Ross 128 b retain their status as hosting lonely and (for the latter two) eccentric planets. Finally, our results show that Bayesian evidence, when used in conjunction with GP, is not a robust diagnostic for selecting the best model in cases of low-activity stars. In such cases, we advise an inspection of the shapes of the posterior distributions and to ensure that relevant simulations are performed to assess the validity of the perceived best model.


Autoren: Edward M. Bryant, Daniel Bayliss, Joel D. Hartman, Elyar Sedaghati, Melissa J. Hobson, Andrés Jordán, Rafael Brahm, Gaspar Á. Bakos, Jose Manuel Almenara, Khalid Barkaoui, Xavier Bonfils, Marion Cointepas, Karen A. Collins, Georgina Dransfield, Phil Evans, Michaël Gillon, Emmanuël Jehin, Felipe Murgas, Francisco J. Pozuelos, Richard P. Schwarz, Mathilde Timmermans, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Anaël Wünsche, R. Paul Butler, Jeffrey D. Crane, Steve Shectman, Johanna K. Teske, David Charbonneau, Zahra Essack, Jon M. Jenkins, Hannah M. Lewis, Sara Seager, Eric B. Ting, Joshua N. Winn

Kurztext: Short-period gas giant planets have been shown to be significantly rarer for host stars less massive than the Sun. We report the discovery of two transiting giant planets – TOI-2379 b and TOI-2384 b – with low-mass (early M) host stars. Both planets were detected using TESS photometry and for both the transit signal was validated using ground based photometric facilities. We confirm the planetary nature of these companions and measure their masses using radial velocity observations. We find that TOI-2379 b has an orbital period of 5.469 d and a mass and radius of 5.76±0.20 MJ and 1.046±0.023 RJ and TOI-2384 b has an orbital period of 2.136 d and a mass and radius of 1.966±0.059 MJ and 1.025±0.021 RJ. TOI-2379 b and TOI-2384 b have the highest and third highest planet-to-star mass ratios respectively out of all transiting exoplanets with a low-mass host star, placing them uniquely among the population of known exoplanets and making them highly important pieces of the puzzle for understanding the extremes of giant planet formation.


Autoren: Varghese Reji, Shubham Kanodia, Joe Ninan, Caleb I. Cañas, Jessica Libby-Roberts, Andrea S.J. Lin, Arvind F Gupta, Tera N. Sewaby, Alexander Larsen, Henry A. Kobulnicky, Philip I. Choi, Nez Evans, Sage Santomenna, Isabelle Winnick, Larry Yu, Jaime A. Alvarado-Montes, Chad Bender, Lia Marta Bernabò, Cullen H. Blake, William D. Cochran, Scott A. Diddams, Samuel Halverson, Te Han, Fred Hearty, Sarah E. Logsdon, Suvrath Mahadevan, Andrew Monson, Michael McElwain, Paul Robertson, Devendra Ojha, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Gudmundur Stefansson, Jason Wright

Kurztext: We present the discovery of a low-density planet transiting TOI-5688 A b, a high-metallicity M2V star. This planet was discovered as part of the search for transiting giant planets (R≳8 M) through the Searching for GEMS (Giant Exoplanets around M-dwarf Stars) survey. The planet TOI-5688 A b was discovered with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), and characterized with ground-based transits from Red Buttes Observatory (RBO), the Table Mountain Observatory of Pomona College, and radial velocity (RV) measurements with the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder (HPF) on the 10 m Hobby Eberly Telescope (HET) and NEID on the WIYN 3.5 m telescope. From the joint fit of transit and RV data, the mass of the planet is 124±24 M and the radius is 10.4±0.7 R. This planet has a density of 0.61+0.20−0.15 g/cm3, and is on a ∼2.95 day orbit around its host star. The spectroscopic and photometric analysis of the host star TOI-5688 A shows that it is a high metallicity ([Fe/H] =0.47±0.16 dex) M2V star, favoring the core-accretion formation pathway as the likely formation scenario for this planet. In this paper, we analyze potential mechanisms of planet formation in the context of the formation of TOI-5688 A b. Additionally, observations with Gaia suggest the presence of a wide-separation binary companion, TOI-5688 B, which has a projected separation of ∼5″ (1110 AU) and is an M4V. This makes TOI-5688 A b part of a growing number of GEMS in wide-separation binary systems.


Autoren: Erica Bisesi, Giuseppe Murante, Antonello Provenzale, Lorenzo Biasiotti, Jost von Hardenberg, Stavro Ivanovski, Michele Maris, Sergio Monai, Laura Silva, Paolo Simonetti, Giovanni Vladilo

Kurztext: Vegetation can modify the planetary surface albedo via the Charney mechanism, as plants are usually darker than the bare surface of the continents. We updated ESTM (Earth-like Surface Temperature Model) to incorporate the presence, distribution and evolution of two dynamically competing vegetation types that resemble grasslands and trees (the latter in the double stages of life: adults and seedlings). The newly developed model was applied to estimate how the climate-vegetation system reaches equilibrium across different rocky planetary configurations, and to assess its impact on temperature and habitability. With respect to a world with bare granite continents, the effect of vegetation-albedo feedback is to increase the average surface temperature. Since grasses and trees exhibit different albedos, they affect temperature to different degrees. The ultimate impact on climate depends on the outcome of the competition between these vegetation types. The change in albedo due to vegetation extends the habitable zone and enhances the overall planetary habitability beyond its traditional outer edge. This effect is especially relevant for planets that have a larger extension of continents than Earth. For Earth, the semi-major axis d = 1.04 UA represents the turning point where vegetation enhances habitability from h = 0.0 to h = 0.485 (in the grass-dominance case), to h = 0.584 (in the case of coexistence between grasses and trees), and to h = 0.612 (in the tree-dominance case). This illustrates the transition from a snowball state to a planet with intermediate habitability at the outer edge of the circumstellar habitability zone.


Autoren: M. C. D’Arpa, A. Saba, F. Borsa, L. Fossati, G. Micela, C. Di Maio, M. Stangret, G. Tripodo, L. Affer, A. S. Bonomo, S. Benatti, M. Brogi, V. Fardella, A. F. Lanza, G. Guilluy, J. Maldonado, G. Mantovan, V. Nascimbeni, L. Pino, G. Scandariato, D. Sicilia, A. Sozzetti, R. Spinelli, G. Andreuzzi, A. Bignamini, R. Claudi, S. Desidera, A. Ghedina, C. Knapic, V. Lorenzi

Kurztext: We analysed six primary transits of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9,b obtained with the HARPS-N high-resolution spectrograph in the context of the Global Architecture of Planetary Systems (GAPS2) project, to characterise the atmosphere via single-line analysis. We extracted the transmission spectrum of each individual line by comparing the master out-of-transit spectrum with the in-transit spectra and computing the weighted average of the tomography in the planet reference frame. We corrected for the centre-to-limb variation and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect by modelling the region of the star disc obscured by the planet during the transit and subtracting it from the master-out spectrum. We detected all six observable lines of the Balmer series within the HARPS-N wavelength range, from Hα to Hζ, with a significance exceeding 5σ. We focussed on metal species, detecting Na I, Ca I, Ca II, Fe I, Fe II, Mg I, Ti II, Sc II, and Cr II lines. This is the first detection in the atmosphere of an exoplanet of Hϵ and Hζ lines, as well as of individual lines of Sc II and Cr II. Our detections are supported by a comparison with published synthetic transmission spectra of KELT-9b obtained accounting for non-local thermodynamic equilibrium effects. The results underline the presence of a systematic blueshift due to night-side to day-side winds. The single-line analysis allowed us not only to assess the presence of atomic species in the atmosphere of KELT-9 b, but also to further characterise the local stratification of the atmosphere. Coupling the height distribution of the detected species with the velocity shift retrieved, we acknowledged the height distribution of night-side to day-side winds. Moreover, the study of the rotational broadening of different species supports the prediction of a tidally locked planet rotating as a rigid body.


Autoren: Elodie Choquet, Lisa Altinier, Nicolás Godoy, Alexis Lau, Arthur Vigan, David Mary

The search for biosignatures in potentially habitable exoplanets is one of the major astrophysics‘ drivers for the coming decades, and the prime science goal of the HWO NASA mission, a large UV-Optical-IR space telescope to be launched in the 2040s. To reach this goal, it will be equipped with state-of-the-art high-contrast spectro-imaging capabilities enabling the detection of exoplanets 10^10 times fainter than their host stars, a formidable challenge given today’s best detection limits at ~10^-6 contrast levels. This goal puts stringent constraints on the entire observatory, and demands the optimization at the system level to leverage the performance of individual sub-systems. However, while image processing techniques are a key asset to reach the ultimate performance, the science and technological definition of the mission concepts mostly rely on the coronagraph and wavefront control to reject the starlight, assuming a conservative gain of ~10 in sensitivity from image processing, extrapolated from performance obtained with classical techniques on Hubble observations. In the ESCAPE project, we investigate integrated solutions for optimizing the observing methods and data processing techniques with future space telescopes, making use of their wavefront sensors and deformable mirrors. The Roman Space Telescope, scheduled for launch in 2026, will be a critical milestone to demonstrate key technologies ahead of HWO with the Coronagraph instrument, and is thus a unique opportunity to also test and validate innovative image processing techniques. Here we present the rational, methodology, and timeline of the ESCAPE project.


Autoren: Jacob Haqq-Misra, George Profitiliotis, Ravi Kopparapu

Kurztext: This study uses methods from futures studies to develop a set of ten self-consistent scenarios for Earth’s 1000-year future, which can serve as examples for defining technosignature search strategies. We apply a novel worldbuilding pipeline that evaluates the dimensions of human needs in each scenario as a basis for defining the observable properties of the technosphere. Our scenarios include three with zero-growth stability, two that have collapsed into a stable state, one that oscillates between growth and collapse, and four that continue to grow. Only one scenario includes rapid growth that could lead to interstellar expansion. We examine absorption spectral features for a few scenarios to illustrate that nitrogen dioxide can serve as a technosignature to distinguish between present-day Earth, pre-agricultural Earth, and an industrial 1000-year future Earth. Three of our scenarios are spectrally indistinguishable from pre-agricultural Earth, even though these scenarios include expansive technospheres. Up to nine of these scenarios could represent steady-state examples that could persist for much longer timescales, and it remains possible that short-duration technospheres could be the most abundant. Our scenario set provides the basis for further systematic thinking about technosignature detection as well as for imagining a broad range of possibilities for Earth’s future.


Autoren: Kaitlyn Wang, Jian Ge, Kevin Willis, Kevin Wang, Yinan Zhao

Kurztext: Since the discovery of the first hot Jupiter orbiting a solar-type star, 51 Peg, in 1995, more than 4000 exoplanets have been identified using various observational techniques. The formation process of these sub-Earths remains elusive, and acquiring additional samples is essential for investigating this unique population. In our study, we employ a novel GPU Phase Folding algorithm combined with a Convolutional Neural Network, termed the GPFC method, on Kepler photometry data. This method enhances the transit search speed significantly over the traditional Box-fitting Least Squares method, allowing a complete search of the known KOI photometry data within hours using a commercial GPU card. To date, we have identified five promising sub-Earth short-period candidates: K00446.c, K01821.b, K01522.c, K03404.b, and K04978.b. A closer analysis reveals the following characteristics: K00446.c orbits a K dwarf on a 0.645091-day period. With a radius of 0.461R, it ranks as the second smallest USP discovered to date. K01821.b is a sub-Earth with a radius of 0.648R, orbiting a G dwarf over a 0.91978-day period. It is the second smallest USP among all confirmed USPs orbiting G dwarfs in the NASA Archive. K01522.c has a radius of 0.704R and completes an orbit around a Sun-like G dwarf in 0.64672 days; K03404.b, with a radius of 0.738R, orbits a G dwarf on a 0.68074-day period; and K04978.b, with its planetary radius of 0.912R, orbits a G dwarf, completing an orbit every 0.94197 days. Three of our finds, K01821.b, K01522.c and K03404.b, rank as the smallest planets among all confirmed USPs orbiting G dwarfs in the Kepler dataset. The discovery of these small exoplanets underscores the promising capability of the GPFC method for searching for small, new transiting exoplanets in photometry data from Kepler, TESS, and future space transit missions.


Autoren: Amelia J. Cordwell, Roman R. Rafikov

Kurztext: Annular substructures in protoplanetary discs, ubiquitous in sub-mm observations, can be caused by gravitational coupling between a disc and its embedded planets. Planetary density waves inject angular momentum into the disc leading to gap opening only after travelling some distance and steepening into shocks (in the absence of linear damping); no angular momentum is deposited in the planetary coorbital region, where the wave has not shocked yet. Despite that, simulations show mass evacuation from the coorbital region even in inviscid discs, leading to smooth, double-trough gap profiles. Here we consider the early, time-dependent stages of planetary gap opening in inviscid discs. We find that an often-overlooked contribution to the angular momentum balance caused by the time-variability of the specific angular momentum of the disc fluid (caused, in turn, by the time-variability of the radial pressure support) plays a key role in gap opening. Focusing on the regime of shallow gaps with depths of ≲20%, we demonstrate analytically that early gap opening is a self-similar process, with the amplitude of the planet-driven perturbation growing linearly in time and the radial gap profile that can be computed semi-analytically. We show that mass indeed gets evacuated from the coorbital region even in inviscid discs. This evolution pattern holds even in viscous discs over a limited period of time. These results are found to be in excellent agreement with 2D numerical simulations. Our simple gap evolution solutions can be used in studies of dust dynamics near planets and for interpreting protoplanetary disc observations.


Autoren: Matthew Teasdale, Dimitris Stamatellos

Kurztext: Many circumbinary gas giant planets have been recently discovered. The formation mechanism of circumbinary planets on wide orbits is unclear. We investigate the formation of Delorme 1 (AB)b, a 13±5MJ planet, orbiting its host binary at 84AU. The planet is accreting while having an estimated age of 40Myr, which is unexpected, as this process should have ceased due to the dissipation of the protoplanetary disc. Using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code SEREN, we model three formation scenarios for this planet. In Scenario I the planet forms in-situ on a wide orbit in a massive disc (by gravitational instability), in Scenario II closer to the binary in a massive disc (by gravitational instability), and in Scenario III much closer to the binary in a less massive disc (by core accretion). Planets in Scenario I stay at the observed separation, have mass accretion rates consistent with observed value, but their final mass is too high. In Scenario II, the planet reaches the observed separation through outward migration or scattering by the binary, and has mass accretion rate comparable to the observed; however, the planet mass is above the observed value. In Scenario III, the planet’s final mass and mass accretion rate are comparable to the observed ones but the planet’s separation is smaller. We conclude that all models may explain some features of the observations but not all of them, raising questions about how gas is accreted onto the planet from its circumplanetary disc, and of the presumed age of the system.

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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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