Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 09.09.2024

Für den 09.09.2024 wurden 6 Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv veröffentlicht.


Autoren: Louis-Philippe Coulombe, Pierre-Alexis Roy, Björn Benneke

Inhalt: 11 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen

Kurztext: One of the main endeavors of the field of exoplanetary sciences is the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres on a population level. The current method of choice to accomplish this task is transmission spectroscopy, where the apparent radius of a transiting exoplanet is measured at multiple wavelengths in search of atomic and molecular absorption features produced by the upper atmosphere constituents. To extract the planetary radius from a transit light curve, it is necessary to account for the decrease in luminosity away from the center of the projected stellar disk, known as the limb darkening. Physically-motivated parametrizations of the limb darkening, in particular of the quadratic form, are commonly used in exoplanet transit light-curve fitting. Here, we show that such parametrizations can introduce significant wavelength-dependent biases in the transmission spectra currently obtained with all instrument modes of the JWST, and thus have the potential to affect atmospheric inferences. To avoid such biases, we recommend the use of standard limb-darkening parametrizations with wide uninformative priors that allow for non-physical stellar intensity profiles in the transit fits, and thus for a complete and symmetrical exploration of the parameter space. We further find that fitting the light curves at the native resolution results in errors on the measured transit depths that are significantly smaller compared to light curves that are binned in wavelength before fitting, thus potentially maximizing the amount of information that can be extracted from the data.


Autoren: Carlos E. Muñoz-Romero, Andrea Banzatti, Karin I. Öberg, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Colette Salyk, Joan Najita, Geoffrey A. Blake, Sebastiaan Krijt, Nicole Arulanantham, Paola Pinilla, Feng Long, Giovanni Rosotti, Sean M. Andrews, David J. Wilner, Jenny Calahan, The JDISCS Collaboration

Inhalt: 37 Seiten, 29 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen

Kurztext: The mid-infrared water vapor emission spectrum provides a novel way to characterize the delivery of icy pebbles towards the innermost (<5 au) regions of planet-forming disks. Recently, JWST MIRI-MRS showed that compact disks exhibit an excess of low-energy water vapor emission relative to extended multi-gapped disks, suggesting that icy pebble drift is more efficient in the former. We carry out detailed emission line modeling to retrieve the excitation conditions of rotational water vapor emission in a sample of four compact and three extended disks within the JDISC Survey. We present two-temperature H2O slab model retrievals and, for the first time, constrain the spatial distribution of water vapor by fitting parametric radial temperature and column density profiles. Such models statistically outperform the two-temperature slab fits. We find a correlation between the observable hot water vapor mass and stellar mass accretion rate, as well as an anti-correlation between cold water vapor mass and sub-mm dust disk radius, confirming previously reported water line flux trends. We find that the mid-IR spectrum traces H2O with temperatures down to 180-300 K, but the coldest 150-170 K gas remains undetected. Furthermore the H2O temperature profiles are generally steeper and cooler than the expected `super-heated‘ dust temperature in passive irradiated disks. The column density profiles are used to estimate icy pebble mass fluxes, which suggest that compact and extended disks may produce markedly distinct inner-disk exoplanet populations if local feeding mechanisms dominate their assembly.


Autoren: Emma V. Turtelboom, Jamie Dietrich, Courtney D. Dressing, Caleb K. Harada

Inhalt: 29 Seiten, 8 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: Multi-planet system architectures are frequently used to constrain possible formation and evolutionary pathways of observed exoplanets. Therefore, understanding the predictive and descriptive power of empirical models of these systems is critical to understanding their formation histories. Additionally, if empirical models can reproduce architectures over a range of scales, transit and radial velocity observations can be more easily and effectively used to inform future microlensing, astrometric, and direct imaging surveys. We analyze 52 TESS multi-planet systems previously studied using Dynamite (Dietrich & Apai 2020), who used TESS data alongside empirical models based on Kepler planets to predict additional planets in each system. We analyze additional TESS data to search for these predicted planets. We thereby evaluate the degree to which these models can be used to predict planets in TESS multi-planet systems. Specifically, we study whether a period ratio method or clustered period model is more predictive. We find that the period ratio model predictions are most consistent with the planets discovered since 2020, accounting for detection sensitivity. However, neither model is highly predictive, highlighting the need for additional data and nuanced models to describe the full population. Improved eccentricity and dynamical stability prescriptions incorporated into Dynamite provide a modest improvement in the prediction accuracy. We also find that the current sample of 183 TESS multi-planet systems are are highly dynamically packed, and appear truncated relative to detection biases. These attributes are consistent with the Kepler sample, and suggest a highly efficient formation process.


Autoren: Thomas A. Baycroft, Amaury H.M.J. Triaud, Dong Lai

Inhalt: 7 Seiten, 2 Abbildungen

Kurztext: The BEBOP (Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets) survey is a search for circumbinary planets using the radial velocity spectrographs HARPS and SOPHIE, currently focusing on single-lined binaries with a mass ratio <0.3. Circumbinary systems are an important testing ground for planet formation theories as the dynamically complex influence of the binary makes planet formation and survival more difficult. Here we present the results of the survey so far including: confirmed planets such as BEBOP-1c the first circumbinary planet detected in radial velocity; the status of our observations; and preliminary occurrence rates. We compare the early results of the radial velocity survey to the population of circumbinary planets discovered in transit, and suggest that there may be a population of inflated planets close to the inner binary which are detectable in transit but more difficult in radial velocity. Using time-lag tidal theory, we show that this inflation is unlikely caused by tides.


Autoren: Emma Louden, Sarah Millholland

Inhalt: 19 Seiten, 5 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: The distribution of different types of atmospheres and surfaces on rocky planets is one of the major questions in exoplanet astronomy, but there are currently no published unambiguous detections of atmospheres on any rocky exoplanets. The MIRI instrument on JWST can measure thermal emission from tidally locked rocky exoplanets orbiting small, cool stars. This emission is a function of their surface and atmospheric properties, potentially allowing the detection of atmospheres. One technique is to measure day-side emission to search for lower thermal emission than expected for a black-body planet due to atmospheric absorption features. Another technique is to measure phase curves of thermal emission to search for night-side emission due to atmospheric heat redistribution. In this work we compare strategies for detecting atmospheres on rocky exoplanets using these techniques. We simulate secondary eclipse and phase curve observations in the MIRI F1500W and F1280W filters, for a range of surfaces and atmospheres on thirty exoplanets selected for their F1500W signal-to-noise ratio. Our results show that secondary eclipse observations are highly degenerate between surfaces and atmospheres, given the wide range of potential surface albedos. We also show that thick atmospheres can support emission consistent with a black-body planet in these filters. These two results make it difficult to unambiguously detect or rule out atmospheres using their photometric day-side emission, except in a subset of CO2-dominated atmospheres. We suggest that an F1500W phase curve could instead be observed for a similar sample of planets, allowing the unambiguous detection of atmospheres by night-side emission.


Autoren: Jingwen Zhang, Daniel Huber, Lauren M. Weiss, Jerry W. Xuan, Jennifer A. Burt, Fei Dai, Nicholas Saunders, Erik A. Petigura, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Joshua N. Winn, Sharon X. Wang, Judah Van Zandt, Max Brodheim, Zachary R. Claytor, Ian Crossfield, William Deich, Benjamin J. Fulton, Steven R. Gibson, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Andrew W. Howard, Howard Isaacson, Stephen Kaye, Kyle Lanclos, Russ R. Laher, Jack Lubin, Joel Payne, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Josh Walawender, Edward Wishnow, Sherry Yeh

Inhalt: 9 Seiten, 5 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: Characterizing outer companions to hot Jupiters plays a crucial role in deciphering their origins. We present the discovery of a long-period giant planet, HD 118203 c (mc=11.79+0.69−0.63 MJ, ac=6.28+0.10−0.11 AU) exterior to a close-in eccentric hot Jupiter HD 118203 b (Pb=6.135 days, mb=2.14±0.12 MJ, rb=1.14±0.029 RJ, eb=0.31±0.007) based on twenty-year radial velocities. Using Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) observations from the Keck Planet Finder (KPF), we measured a low sky-projected spin-orbit angle λb=−11∘.7+7.6−10.0 for HD 118203 b and detected stellar oscillations in the host star, confirming its evolved status. Combining the RM observation with the stellar inclination measurement, we constrained the true spin-orbit angle of HD 118203 b as Ψb<33∘.5 (2σ), indicating the orbit normal of the hot Jupiter nearly aligned with the stellar spin axis. Furthermore, by combining radial velocities and Hipparcos-Gaia astrometric acceleration, we constrained the line-of-sight mutual inclination between the hot Jupiter and the outer planet to be 9∘.8+16.2−9.3 at 2σ level. HD 118203 is one of first hot Jupiter systems where both the true spin-orbit angle of the hot Jupiter and the mutual inclination between inner and outer planets have been determined. Our results are consistent with a system-wide alignment, with low mutual inclinations between the outer giant planet, the inner hot Jupiter, and the host star. This alignment, along with the moderate eccentricity of HD 118203 c, implies that the system may have undergone coplanar high-eccentricity tidal migration. Under this framework, our dynamical analysis suggests an initial semi-major axis of 0.3 to 3.2 AU for the proto-hot Jupiter.

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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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