Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 16.09.2024
von Michael Johne ·
Für den 16.09.2024 wurden 4 Submissions und 3 Replacements bei arXiv veröffentlicht.
Autoren: Nick Tusay, Sofia Z. Sheikh, Evan L. Sneed, Wael Farah, Alexander W. Pollak, Luigi F. Cruz, Andrew Siemion, David R. DeBoer, Jason T. Wright
Inhalt: 28 Seiten, 14 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: Planet-planet occultations (PPOs) occur when one exoplanet occults another exoplanet in the same system as seen from the Earth’s vantage point. PPOs may provide a unique opportunity to observe radio „spillover“ from extraterrestrial intelligences‘ (ETIs) radio transmissions or radar being transmitted from the further exoplanet towards the nearer one for the purposes of communication or scientific exploration. Planetary systems with many tightly packed, low-inclination planets, such as TRAPPIST-1, are predicted to have frequent PPOs. Here, the narrowband technosignature search code turboSETI was used in combination with the newly developed NbeamAnalysis filtering pipeline to analyze 28 hours of beamformed data taken with the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) during late October and early November 2022, from 0.9–9.3~GHz, targeting TRAPPIST-1. During this observing window, 7 possible PPO events were predicted using the NbodyGradient code. The filtering pipeline reduced the original list of 25 million candidate signals down to 6 million by rejecting signals that were not sky-localized and, from these, identified a final list of 11127 candidate signals above a power law cutoff designed to segregate signals by their attenuation and morphological similarity between beams. All signals were plotted for visual inspection, 2264 of which were found to occur during PPO windows. We report no detection of signals of non-human origin, with upper limits calculated for each PPO event exceeding EIRPs of 2.17–13.3 TW for minimally drifting signals and 40.8–421 TW in the maximally drifting case. This work constitutes the longest single-target radio SETI search of TRAPPIST-1 to date.
Autoren: Michael Zhang, Jacob L. Bean, David Wilson, Girish Duvvuri, Christian Schneider, Heather A. Knutson, Fei Dai, Karen A. Collins, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Richard P. Schwarz, Khalid Barkaoui, Avi Shporer, Keith Horne, Ramotholo Sefako, Felipe Murgas, Enric Palle
Inhalt: 18 Seiten, 8 Abbildungen, 5 Tabellen
Kurztext: TOI-836 is a ∼2−3 Gyr K dwarf with an inner super Earth (R=1.7R⊕, P=3.8d) and an outer mini Neptune (R=2.6R⊕, P=8.6d). Recent JWST/NIRSpec 2.8–5.2 μm observations have revealed flat transmission spectra for both planets. We present Keck/NIRSPEC observations of escaping helium from this system. While planet b shows no absorption in the 1083 nm line to deep limits (<0.2\%), 836c shows strong (0.7\%) absorption in both visits. These results demonstrate that the inner super-Earth has lost its primordial atmosphere while the outer mini-Neptune has not. Self-consistent 1D radiative-hydrodynamic models of c using pyTPCI, an updated version of The PLUTO-CLOUDY Interface, reveal that the helium signal is highly sensitive to metallicity: its equivalent width collapses by a factor of 13 as metallicity increases from 10x to 100x solar, and by a further factor of 12 as it increases to 200x solar. The observed equivalent width is 88\% of the model prediction for 100x metallicity, suggesting that c may have an atmospheric metallicity close to 100x solar. This is similar to K2-18b and TOI-270d, the first two mini-Neptunes with detected absorption features in JWST transmission spectra. We highlight the helium triplet as a potentially powerful probe of atmospheric composition, with complementary strengths and weaknesses to atmospheric retrievals. The main strength is its extreme sensitivity to metallicity in the scientifically significant range of 10–200x solar, and the main weakness is the enormous model uncertainties in outflow suppression and confinement mechanisms, such as magnetic fields and stellar winds.
Autoren: Casey L. Brinkman, Alex S. Polanski, Daniel Huber, Lauren M. Weiss, Diana Valencia, Mykhaylo Plotnykov
Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
Kurztext: Planets and the stars they orbit are born from the same cloud of gas and dust, and the primordial compositions of rocky exoplanets have been assumed to have iron and refractory abundance ratios consistent with their host star. To test this assumption, we modeled the interior iron-to-rock ratio of 20 super-Earth sized (1-1.8R⊕) exoplanets around stars with homogeneously measured stellar parameters. We computed the core mass fraction for each planet and an equivalent „core mass fraction“ for each host star based on its Fe and Mg abundances. We then fit a linear correlation using two methods (Ordinary Least Squares and Orthogonal Distance Regression) between planetary and stellar core mass fraction, obtaining substantially different slopes between these two methods (m=1.3 ± 1.0 and m=5.6 ± 1.6, respectively). Additionally, we find that 75% of planets have a core mass fraction consistent with their host star to within 1σ, and do not identify a distinct population of high-density super-Mercuries. Overall, we conclude that current uncertainties in observational data and differences in modeling methods prevent definitive conclusions about the relationship between between planet and host star chemical compositions.
Autoren: Shangjia Zhang, Zhaohuan Zhu
Inhalt: 11 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen
Kurztext: Shadows are often observed in transition disks, which can result from obscuring by materials closer to the star, such as a misaligned inner disk. While shadows leave apparent darkened emission as observational signatures, they have significant dynamical impact on the disk. We carry out 3D radiation hydrodynamical simulations to study shadows in transition disks and find that the temperature drop due to the shadow acts as an asymmetric driving force, leading to spirals in the cavity. These spirals have zero pattern speed following the fixed shadow. The pitch angle is given by tan−1(cs/vϕ) (6∘ if h/r=0.1). These spirals transport mass through the cavity efficiently, with α∼10−2 in our simulation. Besides spirals, the cavity edge can also form vortices and flocculent streamers. When present, these features could disturb the shadow-induced spirals. By carrying out Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer simulations, we show that these features resemble those observed in near-infrared scattered light images. In the vertical direction, the vertical gravity is no longer balanced by the pressure gradient alone. Instead, an azimuthal convective acceleration term balances the gravity-pressure difference, leading to azimuthally periodic upward and downward gas motion reaching 10% of the sound speed, which can be probed by ALMA line observations.
Autoren: Eric Gaidos, Aleezah Ali, Adam L. Kraus, Jason F. Rowe
Inhalt: 14 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: M dwarf stars are the most promising hosts for detection and characterization of small and potentially habitable planets, and provide leverage relative to solar-type stars to test models of planet formation and evolution. Using \emph{Gaia} astrometry, adaptive optics imaging, and calibrated gyrochronologic relations to estimate stellar properties and filter binaries we refined the radii of 117 Kepler Objects of Interest (confirmed or candidate planets) transiting 74 single late K- and early M-type stars, and assigned stellar rotation-based ages to 113 of these. We constructed the radius distribution of 115 small (<4R⊕) planets and assessed its evolution. As for solar-type stars, the inferred distribution contains distinct populations of „super-Earths“ (at ≈1.3⊕) and „sub-Neptunes“ (at ≈2.2R⊕) separated by a gap or „valley“ at ≈1.7⊕ that has a period dependence that is significantly weaker (power law index of -0.03+0.01−0.03) than for solar-type stars. Sub-Neptunes are largely absent at short periods (<2 days) and high irradiance, a feature analogous to the „Neptune desert“ observed around solar-type stars. The relative number of sub-Neptunes to super-Earths declines between the younger and older halves of the sample (median age 3.86 Gyr), although the formal significance is low (p=0.08) because of the small sample size. The decline in sub-Neptunes appears to be more pronounced on wider orbits and low stellar irradiance. This is not due to detection bias and suggests a role for H2O as steam in inflating the radii of sub-Neptunes and/or regulating the escape of H/He from them.
Autoren: Kylie E. Hall, Jennifer C. Yee, In-Gu Shin, Hongjing Yang, Jiyuan Zhang
Inhalt: 18 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: The gravitational microlensing method of discovering exoplanets and multi-star systems can produce degenerate solutions, some of which require in-depth analysis to uncover. We propose a new parameter space that can be used to sample potential solutions more efficiently and is more robust at finding all degenerate solutions. We identified two new parameters, k and h, that can be sampled in place of the mass ratios and separations of the systems under analysis to identify degenerate solutions. The parameter k is related to the size of the central caustic, Δξc, while h is related to the distance of a point along the k contour from log(s)=0, where s is the projected planet-host separation. In this work, we present the characteristics of these parameters and the tests we conducted to prove their efficacy.
Autoren: Daniel P. Cummins, James E. Owen
Inhalt: 17 Seiten, 10 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: High-resolution millimetre-imaging of protoplanetary discs has revealed many containing rings and gaps. These rings can contain large quantities of dust, often in excess of 10M⊕, providing prime sites for efficient and rapid planet formation. Rapid planet formation will produce high accretion luminosities, heating the surrounding disc. We investigate the importance of a planetary embryo’s accretion luminosity by simulating the dynamics of the gas and dust in a dust ring, accounting for the energy liberated as a resident planetary embryo accretes. The resulting heating alters the flow structure near the planet, increasing the accretion rate of large, millimetre-to-centimetre-sized dust grains. We show how this process varies with the mass of dust in the ring and the local background gas temperature, demonstrating that the thermal feedback always acts to increase the planet’s mass. This increase in planet mass is driven primarily by the formation of vortices, created by a baroclinic instability once the accreting planet heats the disc significantly outside its Hill radius. The vortices can then migrate with respect to the planet, resulting in a complex interplay between planetary growth, gap-opening, dust trapping and vortex dynamics. Planets formed within dust traps can have masses that exceed the classical pebble isolation mass, potentially providing massive seeds for the future formation of giant planets. Once pebble accretion ceases, the local dust size distribution is depleted in large grains, and much of the remaining dust mass is trapped in the system’s L5 Lagrange point, providing potentially observable signatures of this evolution.
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