Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 18.09.2024
von Michael Johne · Veröffentlicht · Aktualisiert

Für den 18.09.2024 wurden 4 Submissions und 1 Replacement bei arXiv veröffentlicht.
Autoren: Sahl Rowther, Daniel J. Price, Christophe Pinte, Rebecca Nealon, Farzana Meru, Richard Alexander
Inhalt: 9 Seiten, 8 Abbildungen
Kurztext: Irradiation from the central star controls the temperature structure in protoplanetary discs. Yet simulations of gravitational instability typically use models of stellar irradiation with varying complexity, or ignore it altogether, assuming heat generated by spiral shocks is balanced by cooling, leading to a self-regulated state. In this paper, we perform simulations of irradiated, gravitationally unstable protoplanetary discs using 3D hydrodynamics coupled with live Monte-Carlo radiative transfer. We find that the resulting temperature profile is approximately constant in time, since the thermal effects of the star dominate. Hence, the disc cannot regulate gravitational instabilities by adjusting the temperatures in the disc. In a 0.1 Solar mass disc, the disc instead adjusts by angular momentum transport induced by the spiral arms, leading to steadily decreasing surface density, and hence quenching of the instability. Thus, strong spiral arms caused by self-gravity would not persist for longer than ten thousand years in the absence of fresh infall, although weak spiral structures remain present over longer timescales. Using synthetic images at 1.3mm, we find that spirals formed in irradiated discs are challenging to detect. In higher mass discs, we find that fragmentation is likely because the dominant stellar irradiation overwhelms the stabilising influence of PdV work and shock heating in the spiral arms.
Autoren: G. Lacedelli, E. Pallè, R. Luque, C. Cadieux, J. M. Akana Murphy, F. Murgas, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, H. M. Tabernero, K. A. Collins, C. N. Watkins, A. L’Heureux, R. Doyon, D. Jankowski, G. Nowak, È. Artigau, N. M. Batalha, J.L. Bean, F. Bouchy, M. Brady, B. L. Canto Martins, I. Carleo, M. Cointepas, D. M. Conti, N. J. Cook, I. J. M. Crossfield, J. I. Gonzàlez Hernàndez, P. Lewin, N. Nari, L. D. Nielsen, J. Orell-Miquel, L. Parc, R. P. Schwarz, G. Srdoc, V. Van Eylen
Inhalt: 24 Seiten, 21 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen
Kurztext: The exoplanet sub-Neptune population currently poses a conundrum. Are small-size planets volatile-rich cores without atmosphere, or are they rocky cores surrounded by H-He envelope? To test the different hypotheses from an observational point of view, a large sample of small-size planets with precise mass and radius measurements is the first necessary step. On top of that, much more information will likely be needed, including atmospheric characterisation and a demographic perspective on their bulk properties. We present the concept and strategy of THIRSTEE, a project which aims at shedding light on the composition of the sub-Neptune population across stellar types by increasing their number and improving the accuracy of bulk density measurements, as well as investigating their atmospheres and performing statistical, demographic analysis. We report the first results of the program, characterising a 2-planet system around the M dwarf TOI-406. We analyse TESS and ground-based photometry, together with ESPRESSO and NIRPS/HARPS RVs to derive the orbital parameters and investigate the internal composition of the 2 planets orbiting TOI-406, which have radii and masses of Rb=1.32±0.12R⊕, Mb=2.08+0.23−0.22M⊕ and Rc=2.08+0.16−0.15R⊕, Mc=6.57+1.00−0.90M⊕, and periods of 3.3 and 13.2 days, respectively. Planet b is consistent with an Earth-like composition, while planet c is compatible with multiple internal composition models, including volatile-rich planets without H/He atmospheres. The 2 planets are located in 2 distinct regions in the mass-density diagram, supporting the existence of a density gap among small exoplanets around M dwarfs. With an equilibrium temperature of only 368 K, TOI-406 c stands up as a particularly interesting target for atmospheric characterisation with JWST in the low-temperature regime.
Autoren: Felix Sainsbury-Martinez, Catherine Walsh, Greg Cooke
Inhalt: 27 Seiten, 14 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: Impacts by rocky and icy bodies are thought to have played a key role in shaping the composition of solar system objects, including the Earth’s habitability. Hence, it is likely that they play a similar role in exoplanetary systems. We investigate how an icy cometary impact affects the atmospheric chemistry, climate, and composition of an Earth-like, tidally-locked, terrestrial exoplanet, a prime target in the search for a habitable exoplanet beyond our solar system. We couple a cometary impact model which includes thermal ablation and pressure driven breakup with the 3D Earth System Model WACCM6/CESM2, and use this model to investigate the effects of the water and thermal energy delivery associated with an R=2.5 km pure water ice cometary impact on an Earth-like atmosphere. We find that water is the primary driver of longer timescale changes to the atmospheric chemistry and composition by acting as a source of opacity, cloud ice, and atmospheric hydrogen/oxygen. The water opacity drives heating at ∼5×10−4 bar, and cooling below, due to a decreased flux reaching the surface. The increase in atmospheric hydrogen and oxygen also drives an increase in the abundance of hydrogen/oxygen rich molecules, with the exception of ozone, whose column density decreases by ∼10%. These atmospheric changes are potentially observable for ∼ 1-2 years post-impact, particularly those associated with cloud ice scattering. They also persist, albeit at a much reduced level, to our quasi-steady-state, suggesting that sustained bombardment or multiple large impacts have the potential to shape the composition and habitability of terrestrial exoplanets.
Autoren: Julie Inglis, Natasha E. Batalha, Nikole K. Lewis, Tiffany Kataria, Heather A. Knutson, Brian M. Kilpatrick, Anna Gagnebin, Sagnick Mukherjee, Maria M. Pettyjohn, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Trevor O. Foote, David Grant, Gregory W. Henry, Maura Lally, Laura K. McKemmish, David K. Sing, Hannah R. Wakeford, Juan C. Zapata Trujillo, Robert T. Zellem
Inhalt: 21 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
Kurztext: Recent mid-infrared observations with JWST/MIRI have resulted in the first direct detections of absorption features from silicate clouds in the transmission spectra of two transiting exoplanets, WASP-17 b and WASP-107 b. In this paper, we measure the mid-infrared (5−12 μm) dayside emission spectrum of the benchmark hot Jupiter HD 189733 b with MIRI LRS by combining data from two secondary eclipse observations. We confirm the previous detection of H2O absorption at 6.5 μm from Spitzer/IRS and additionally detect H2S as well as an absorption feature at 8.7 μm in both secondary eclipse observations. The excess absorption at 8.7 μm can be explained by the presence of small (∼0.01 μm) grains of SiO2[s] in the uppermost layers of HD 189733 b’s dayside atmosphere. This is the first direct detection of silicate clouds in HD 189733 b’s atmosphere, and the first detection of a distinct absorption feature from silicate clouds on the day side of any hot Jupiter. We find that models including SiO2[s] are preferred by 6−7σ over clear models and those with other potential cloud species. The high altitude location of these silicate particles is best explained by formation in the hottest regions of HD 189733 b’s dayside atmosphere near the substellar point. We additionally find that HD 189733 b’s emission spectrum longward of 9 μm displays residual features not well captured by our current atmospheric models. When combined with other JWST observations of HD 189733 b’s transmission and emission spectrum at shorter wavelengths, these observations will provide us with the most detailed picture to date of the atmospheric composition and cloud properties of this benchmark hot Jupiter.
Autoren: Yu-Chia Lin
Inhalt: 6 Seiten
Kurztext: Directly imaging Earth-like exoplanets within habitable zones is challenging because faint signals can be obscured by exozodiacal dust, analogous to our solar system’s zodiacal dust. This dust scatters starlight, creating a bright background noise. This paper introduces Toy Coronagraph, a Python package designed to quantify the impact of this dust on exoplanet detection. It takes circularly symmetric disk images point spread functions (PSFs), and exoplanet orbital parameters as input, generating key metrics like contrast curves, signal-to-noise ratios, and dynamic visualizations of exoplanet motion under the dust background. The package also provides tools for generating vortex coronagraph PSFs and includes example disk images. Toy Coronagraph empowers researchers to understand exozodiacal dust, develop mitigation strategies, and optimize future telescope designs and mission time, ultimately advancing the search for potentially habitable worlds. Future work will focus on handling non-circularly symmetric inputs, incorporating realistic noise models, and estimating exoplanet yield rates for future space telescope missions.
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