Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 19.09.2024

Für den 19.09.2024 wurden 7 Submissions und 0 Replacement bei arXiv veröffentlicht.



Autoren: Mahesh Herath, Charles-Édouard Boukaré, Nicolas B. Cowan

Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: Rocky planets are thought to form with a magma ocean that quickly solidifies. The horizontal and vertical extent of this magma ocean depends on the interior thermal evolution of the planet, and possibly exogenous processes such as planet migration. We present a model for simulating the thermal history of tidally locked lava planets. We initiate the model with a completely molten mantle and evolve it for ten billion years. We adopt a fixed surface temperature of 3000 K for the irradiated day-side, but allow the night-side temperature to evolve along with the underlying layers. We simulate planets of radius 1.0R and 1.5R with different core mass fractions, although the latter does not significantly impact the thermal evolution. We confirm that the day-side magma ocean on these planets has a depth that depends on the planetary radius. The night-side, on the other hand, begins crystallizing within a few thousand years and completely solidifies within 800 million years in the absence of substantial tidal heating or day-night heat transport. We show that a magma ocean can be sustained on the night-side of a lava planet if at least 20 per cent of absorbed stellar power is transmitted from the day-side to the night-side via magma currents. Such day-night transport could be sustained if the magma has a viscosity of 10−3 Pa s, which is plausible at these temperatures. Alternatively, the night-side could remain molten if the mush layer is tidally heated at the rate of 8×10−4 W/kg of mush, which is plausible for orbital eccentricities of e>7×10−3. Night-side cooling is a runaway process, however: the magma becomes more viscous and the mush solidifies, reducing both day-night heat transport and tidal heating. Measurements of the night-sides of lava planets are therefore a sensitive probe of the thermal history of these planets.


Autoren: Eric Agol, Natalie H. Allen, Björn Benneke, Laetitia Delrez, René Doyon, Elsa Ducrot, Néstor Espinoza, Amélie Gressier, David Lafrenière, Olivia Lim, Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, Caroline Piaulet-Ghorayeb, Michael Radica, Zafar Rustamkulov, Kristin S. Sotzen

Inhalt: 6 Seiten, 1 Abbildung

Kurztext: The TRAPPIST-1 system has been extensively observed with JWST in the near-infrared with the goal of measuring atmospheric transit transmission spectra of these temperate, Earth-sized exoplanets. A byproduct of these observations has been much more precise times of transit compared with prior available data from Spitzer, HST, or ground-based telescopes. In this note we use 23 new timing measurements of all seven planets in the near-infrared from five JWST observing programs to better forecast and constrain the future times of transit in this system. In particular, we note that the transit times of TRAPPIST-1h have drifted significantly from a prior published analysis by up to tens of minutes. Our newer forecast has a higher precision, with median statistical uncertainties ranging from 7-105 seconds during JWST Cycles 4 and 5. Our expectation is that this forecast will help to improve planning of future observations of the TRAPPIST-1 planets, whereas we postpone a full dynamical analysis to future work.


Autoren: Christopher Cox, Jakob Haynes, Christopher Duffey, Christopher Bennett, Julie Brisset

Inhalt: 26 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: The understanding of the formation and evolution of the solar system still has many unanswered questions. Formation of solids in the solar system, mineral and organic mixing, and planetary body creation are all topics of interest to the community. Studying these phenomena is often performed through observations, remote sensing, and in-situ analysis, but there are limitations to the methods. Limitations such as IR diffraction limits, spatial resolution issues, and spectral resolution issues can prevent detection of organics, detection and identification of cellular structures, and the disentangling of granular mixtures. Optical-PhotoThermal InfraRed (O-PTIR) spectroscopy is a relatively new method of spectroscopy currently used in fields other than planetary sciences. O-PTIR is a non-destructive, highly repeatable, and fast form of measurement capable of reducing these limitations. Using a dual laser system with an IR source tuned to the mid-IR wavelength we performed laboratory O-PTIR measurements to compare O-PTIR data to existing IR absorption data and laboratory FTIR measurements for planetary materials. We do this for the purpose of introducing O-PTIR to the planetary science community. The technique featured here would serve to better measurements of planetary bodies during in-situ analysis. We find that, unlike other fields where O-PTIR produces almost one-to-one measurements with IR absorption measurements of the same material, granular materials relevant to planetary science do not. However, we do find that the materials compared were significantly close and O-PTIR was still capable of identifying materials relevant to planetary science.


Autoren: S.G. Sousa, V. Adibekyan, E. Delgado-Mena, N.C. Santos, B. Rojas-Ayala, S.C. Barros, O.D.S. Demangeon, S. Hoyer, G. Israelian, A. Mortier, B.M.T. Soares, M. Tsantaki

Inhalt: 8 Seiten, 5 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: SWEET-Cat (Stars With ExoplanETs Catalogue) was originally introduced in 2013, and since then, the number of confirmed exoplanets has increased significantly. A crucial step for a comprehensive understanding of these new worlds is the precise and homogeneous characterization of their host stars. We used a large number of high-resolution spectra to continue the addition of new stellar parameters for planet-host stars in SWEET-Cat following the new detection of exoplanets listed both at the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia and at the NASA exoplanet archive. We obtained high-resolution spectra for a significant number of these planet-host stars, either observed by our team or collected through public archives. For FGK stars, the spectroscopic stellar parameters were derived for the spectra following the same homogeneous process using ARES+MOOG as for the previous SWEET-Cat releases. The stellar properties are combined with the planet properties to study possible correlations that could shed more light into the star-planet connection studies. We increase the number of stars with homogeneous parameters by 232 (∼ 25\% – from 959 to 1191). We then focus on the exoplanets with both mass and radius determined to review the mass-radius relation where we find consistent results with the ones previously reported in the literature. For the massive planets we also revisit the radius anomaly where we confirm a metallicity correlation for the radius anomaly already hinted in previous results.


Autoren: Revol Alexandre, Émeline Bolmont, Mariana Sastre, Gabriel Tobie, Anne-Sophie Libert, Mathilde Kervazo, Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma

Inhalt: 7 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen

Kurztext: Accurate modeling of tidal interactions is crucial for interpreting recent JWST observations of the thermal emissions of TRAPPIST-1~b and c and for characterizing the surface conditions and potential habitability of the other planets in the system. Indeed, the rotation state of the planets, driven by tidal forces, significantly influences the heat redistribution regime. Due to their proximity to their host star and the estimated age of the system, the TRAPPIST-1 planets are commonly assumed to be in a synchronization state. In this work, we present the recent implementation of the co-planar tidal torque and forces equations within the formalism of Kaula in the N-body code Posidonius. This enables us to explore the hypothesis of synchronization using a tidal model well suited to rocky planets. We studied the rotational state of each planet by taking into account their multi-layer internal structure computed with the code Burnman. Simulations show that the TRAPPIST-1 planets are not perfectly synchronized but oscillate around the synchronization state. Planet-planet interactions lead to strong variations on the mean motion and tides fail to keep the spin synchronized with respect to the mean motion. As a result, the sub-stellar point of each planet experiences short oscillations and long-timescale drifts that lead the planets to achieve a synodic day with periods varying from 55~years to 290~years depending on the planet.


Autoren: Shraddha Biswas, D. Bisht, Ing-Guey Jiang, Devesh P. Sariya, Kaviya Parthasarathy

Inhalt: 38 Seiten, 16 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen

Kurztext: Nowadays, transit timing variations (TTVs) are proving to be a very valuable tool in exoplanetary science to detect exoplanets by observing variations in transit times. To study the transit timing variation of the hot Jupiter, TrES-2b, we have combined 64 high-quality transit light curves from all seven sectors of NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) along with 60 best-quality light curves from the ground-based facility Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) and 106 mid-transit times from the previous works. From the precise transit timing analysis, we have observed a significant improvement in the orbital ephemerides, but we did not detect any short period TTVs that might result from an additional body. The inability to detect short-term TTVs further motivates us to investigate long-term TTVs, which might be caused by orbital decay, apsidal precession, Applegate mechanism, and mer effect and the orbital decay appeared to be a better explanation for the observed TTV with ΔBIC = 4.32. The orbital period of the hot Jupiter TrES-2b appears to be shrinking at a rate of −5.58±1.81 ms/yr. Assuming this decay is primarily caused by tidal dissipation within the host star, we have subsequently calculated the stellar tidal quality factor value to be 9900, which is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the theoretically predicted values for other hot-Jupiter systems and its low value indicates more efficient tidal dissipation within the host star. Additional precise photometric and radial velocity observations are required to pinpoint the cause of the change in the orbital period.


Autoren: Gayathri Viswanath, Simon C. Ringqvist, Dorian Demars, Markus Janson, Mickaël Bonnefoy, Yuhiko Aoyama, Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Catherine Dougados, Judit Szulágyi, Thanawuth Thanathibodee

Inhalt: 15 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen

Kurztext: Accretion among planets is a poorly understood phenomenon, due to lack of both observational and theoretical studies. Detection of emission lines from accreting gas giants facilitate detailed investigations into this process. This work presents a detailed analysis of Balmer lines from one of the few known young, planetary-mass objects with observed emission, the isolated L2 dwarf 2MASS J11151597+1937266 with a mass 7-21 Mj and age 5-45 Myr, located at 45+-2 pc. We obtained the first high-resolution (R~50,000) spectrum of the target with VLT/UVES, a spectrograph in the near-UV to visible wavelengths (3200-6800 AA). We report resolved H3-H6 and He I (5875.6 AA) emission in the spectrum. Based on the asymmetric line profiles of H3 and H4, 10% width of H3 (199+-1 km/s), tentative He I 6678 AA emission and indications of a disk from MIR excess, we confirm ongoing accretion at this object. Using the Gaia update of the parallax, we revise its temperature to 1816+-63 K and radius to 1.5+-0.1 Rj. Analysis of observed H I profiles using 1D planet-surface shock model implies a pre-shock gas velocity of v0=120(+80,-40) km/s and a pre-shock density of log(n0/cm^-3)=14(+0,-5). Pre-shock velocity points to a mass of 6(+8,-4) Mj for the target. Combining the H I line luminosities and planetary Lline-Lacc scaling relations, we derive a mass accretion rate of 1.4(+2.8,-0.9)x10^-8 Mj/yr.



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