Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 20.09.2024
von Michael Johne · Veröffentlicht · Aktualisiert
Für den 20.09.2024 wurden 3 Submissions und 2 Replacement bei arXiv veröffentlicht.
Autoren: Arvind F. Gupta, Jacob K. Luhn, Jason T. Wright, Suvrath Mahadevan, Paul Robertson, Daniel M. Krolikowski, Eric B. Ford, Caleb I. Cañas, Samuel Halverson, Andrea S.J. Lin, Shubham Kanodia, Evan Fitzmaurice, Christian Gilbertson, Chad F. Bender, Cullen H. Blake, Jiayin Dong, Mark R. Giovinazzi, Sarah E. Logsdon, Andrew Monson, Joe P. Ninan, Jayadev Rajagopal, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Guðmundur Stefánsson
Inhalt: 18 Seiten, 10 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
Kurztext: With close to three years of observations in hand, the NEID Earth Twin Survey (NETS) is starting to unearth new astrophysical signals for a curated sample of bright, radial velocity (RV)-quiet stars. We present the discovery of the first NETS exoplanet, HD 86728 b, a mpsini=9.16+0.55−0.56 M⊕ planet on a circular, P=31.1503+0.0062−0.0066 d orbit, thereby confirming a candidate signal identified by Hirsch et al. (2021). We confirm the planetary origin of the detected signal, which has a semi-amplitude of just K=1.91+0.11−0.12 m s−1, via careful analysis of the NEID RVs and spectral activity indicators, and we constrain the mass and orbit via fits to NEID and archival RV measurements. The host star is intrinsically quiet at the ∼1 m s−1 level, with the majority of this variability likely stemming from short-timescale granulation. HD 86728 b is among the small fraction of exoplanets with similar masses and periods that have no known planetary siblings.
Autoren: Aayush Gautam, Juan P. Farias, Jonathan C. Tan
Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 9 Abbildung, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: Most stars are born in the crowded environments of gradually forming star clusters. Dynamical interactions between close-passing stars and the evolving UV radiation fields from proximate massive stars are expected to sculpt the protoplanetary discs in these clusters, potentially contributing to the diversity of planetary systems that we observe. Here, we investigate the impact of cluster environment on disc demographics by implementing simple protoplanetary disc evolution models within N-body simulations of gradual star cluster formation. We consider a range of star formation efficiency per free-fall time, ϵff, and mass surface density of the natal cloud environment, Σcl, both of which affect the overall duration of cluster formation. We track the interaction history of all stars to estimate the dynamical truncation of the discs around stars involved in close encounters. We also track external photoevaporation of the discs due to the ionizing radiation field of the nearby high- and intermediate-mass (>5M⊙) stars. We find that ϵff, Σcl, and the degree of primordial binarity have major influences on the masses and radii of the disc population. In particular, external photo-evaporation has a greater impact than dynamical interactions in determining the fate of discs in our clusters.
Autoren: Aster G. Taylor, Fred C. Adams
Inhalt: 24 Seiten, 15 Abbildung, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: During the late stages of giant planet formation, protoplanets are surrounded by a circumplanetary disk and an infalling envelope of gas and dust. For systems with sufficient cooling, material entering the sphere of influence of the planet falls inward and approaches ballistic conditions. Due to conservation of angular momentum, most of the incoming material falls onto the disk rather than directly onto the planet. This paper determines the spectral energy distributions of forming planets in this stage of evolution. Generalizing previous work, we consider a range of possible geometries for the boundary conditions of the infall and determine the two-dimensional structure of the envelope, as well as the surface density of the disk. After specifying the luminosity sources for the planet and disk, we calculate the corresponding radiative signatures for the system, including the emergent spectral energy distributions and emission maps. These results show how the observational appearance of forming planets depend on the input parameters, including the instantaneous mass, mass accretion rate, semimajor axis of the orbit, and the planetary magnetic field strength (which sets the inner boundary condition for the disk). We also consider different choices for the form of the opacity law and attenuation due to the background circumstellar disk. Although observing forming planets will be challenging, these results show how the observational signatures depend on the underlying properties of the planet/disk/envelope system.
Autoren: Gabriella Contardo, David W. Hogg
Inhalt: 28 Seiten, 18 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
Kurztext: Stellar infrared excesses can indicate various phenomena of interest, from protoplanetary disks to debris disks, or (more speculatively) techno-signatures along the lines of Dyson spheres. In this paper, we conduct a large search for such excesses, designed as a data-driven contextual anomaly detection pipeline. We focus our search on FGK stars close to the main sequence to favour non-young host stars. We look for excess in the mid-infrared, unlocking a large sample to search in while favouring extreme IR excess akin to the ones produced by Extreme Debris Disks (EDD). We combine observations from ESA Gaia DR3, 2MASS, and the unWISE of NASA WISE, and create a catalogue of 4,898,812 stars with G<16 mag. We consider a star to have an excess if it is substantially brighter in W1 and W2 bands than what is predicted from an ensemble of machine-learning models trained on the data, taking optical and near-infrared information as input features. We apply a set of additional cuts (derived from the ML models and the objects‘ astronomical features) to avoid false-positive and identify a set of 53 objects (a rate of 1.1×10−5), including one previously identified EDD candidate. Typical infrared-excess fractional luminosities we find are in the range 0.005 to 0.1, consistent with known EDDs.
Autoren: Luke Chamandy, Jason Nordhaus, Eric G. Blackman, Emily Wilson
Inhalt: 9 Seiten, 2 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: We propose that certain white dwarf (WD) planets, such as WD 1856+534 b, may form out of material from a stellar companion that tidally disrupts from common envelope (CE) evolution with the WD progenitor star. The disrupted companion shreds into an accretion disc, out of which a gas giant protoplanet forms due to gravitational instability. To explore this scenario, we make use of detailed stellar evolution models consistent with WD 1856+534. The minimum mass companion that produces a gravitationally-unstable disk after tidal disruption is ∼0.15M⊙. Planet formation from tidal disruption is a new channel for producing second-generation planets around WDs.
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