Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 24.09.2024
von Michael Johne · Veröffentlicht · Aktualisiert
Für den 24.09.2024 wurden 4 Submissions und 2 Replacements bei arXiv veröffentlicht.
Autoren: Hayley Beltz, Emily Rauscher
Inhalt: 19 Seiten, 12 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: Ultrahot Jupiters (UHJs), being the hottest class of exoplanets known, provide a unique laboratory for testing atmospheric interactions with internal planetary magnetic fields at a large range of temperatures. Thermal ionization of atmospheric species on the dayside of these planets results in charged particles becoming embedded in the planet’s mostly neutral wind. The charges will resist flow across magnetic field lines as they are dragged around the planet and ultimately alter the circulation pattern of the atmosphere. We model this process to study this effect on high resolution emission and transmission spectra in order to identify observational signatures of the magnetic circulation regime that exist across multiple UHJs. Using a state-of-the-art kinematic MHD/active drag approach in a 3D atmospheric model, we simulate three different ultrahot Jupiters with and without magnetic effects. We post-process these models to generate high resolution emission and transmission spectra and explore trends in net Doppler shift as a function of phase. In emission spectra, we find that the net Doppler shift before and after secondary eclipse can be influenced by the presence of magnetic drag and wavelength choice. Trends in transmission spectra show our active drag models consistently produce a unique shape in their Doppler shift trends that differs from the models without active drag. This work is a critical theoretical step to understanding how magnetic fields shape the atmospheres of UHJs and provides some of the first predictions in high resolution spectroscopy for observing these effects.
Autoren: R. Wordsworth, C. Cockell
Inhalt: 19 Seiten, 3 Abbildungen
Standard definitions of habitability assume that life requires the presence of planetary gravity wells to stabilize liquid water and regulate surface temperature. Here the consequences of relaxing this assumption are evaluated. Temperature, pressure, volatile loss, radiation levels and nutrient availability all appear to be surmountable obstacles to the survival of photosynthetic life in space or on celestial bodies with thin atmospheres. Biologically generated barriers capable of transmitting visible radiation, blocking ultraviolet, and sustaining temperature gradients of 25-100 K and pressure differences of 10 kPa against the vacuum of space can allow habitable conditions between 1 and 5 astronomical units in the solar system. Hence ecosystems capable of generating conditions for their own survival are physically plausible, given the known capabilities of biological materials on Earth. Biogenic habitats for photosynthetic life in extraterrestrial environments would have major benefits for human life support and sustainability in space. Because the evolution of life elsewhere may have followed very different pathways from on Earth, living habitats could also exist outside traditional habitable environments around other stars, where they would have unusual but potentially detectable biosignatures.
Autoren: Valiantsin Darafeyeu, Stephanie Rimle, Guglielmo Mazzola, Ravit Helled
Inhalt: 18 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen
The Linear Mixing Approximation (LMA) is often used in planetary models for calculating the equations of state (EoSs) of mixtures. A commonly assumed planetary composition is a mixture of rock and water. Here we assess the accuracy of the LMA for pressure-temperature conditions relevant to the interiors of Uranus and Neptune. We perform MD simulations using ab-initio simulations and consider pure-water, pure-silica, and 1:1 and 1:4 silica-water molecular fractions at temperature of 3000 K and pressures between 30 and 600 GPa. We find that the LMA is valid within a few percent (<~5%) between ~150-600 Gpa, where the sign of the difference in inferred density depends on the specific composition of the mixture. We also show that the presence of rocks delays the transition to superionic water by ~70 GPa for the 1:4 silica-water mixture. Finally, we note that the choice of electronic theory (functionals) affect the EoS and introduces an uncertainty in of the order of 10% in density. Our study demonstrates the complexity of phase diagrams in planetary conditions and the need for a better understanding of rock-water mixtures and their effect on the inferred planetary composition.
Autoren: Valeri Makarov, Alexey Goldin, Dimitri Veras
Inhalt: 23 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen, 1 Tabellen
Kurztext: The distribution of period ratios for 580 known two-planet systems is apparently nonuniform, with several sharp peaks and troughs. In particular, the vicinity of the 2:1 commensurability seems to have a deficit of systems. Using Monte Carlo simulations and an empirically inferred population distribution of period ratios, we prove that this apparent dearth of near-resonant systems is not statistically significant. The excess of systems with period ratios in the wider vicinity of the 2:1 resonance is significant, however. Long-term WHFast integrations of a synthetic two-planet system on a grid period ratios from 1.87 through 2.12 reveal that the eccentricity and inclination exchange mechanism between non-resonant planets represents the orbital evolution very well in all cases, except at the exact 2:1 mean motion resonance. This resonance destroys the orderly exchange of eccentricity, while the exchange of inclination still takes place. Additional simulations of the Kepler-113 system on a grid of initial inclinations show that the secular periods of eccentricity and inclination variations are well fitted by a simple hyperbolic cosine function of the initial mutual inclination. We further investigate the six known two-planet systems with period ratios within 2\% of the exact 2:1 resonance (TOI-216, KIC 5437945, Kepler-384, HD 82943, HD 73526, HD 155358) on a grid of initial inclinations and for two different initial periastron longitudes corresponding to the aligned and anti-aligned states. All these systems are found to be long-term stable except HD 73526, which is likely a false positive. The periodic orbital momentum exchange is still at work in some of these systems, albeit with much shorter cycling periods of a few years.
Autoren: J. R. Fuentes, Bradley W. Hindman, Adrian E. Fraser, Evan H. Anders
Inhalt: 8 Seiten, 4 Abbildungen
Kurztext: Recent observational constraints on the internal structure of Jupiter and Saturn suggest that these planets have „fuzzy“ cores, i.e., gradients of the concentration of heavy elements that might span a large fraction of the planet’s radius. These cores could be composed of a semi-convective staircase, i.e., multiple convective layers separated by diffusive interfaces arising from double-diffusive instabilities. However, to date, no study has demonstrated how such staircases can avoid layer mergers and persist over evolutionary time scales. In fact, previous work has found that these mergers occur rapidly, leading to only a single convective layer. Using 3D simulations, we demonstrate that rotation prolongs the lifetime of a convective staircase by increasing the timescale for both layer merger and erosion of the interface between the final two layers. We present an analytic model for the erosion phase, predicting that rotation increases the erosion time by a factor of approximately Ro−1/2, where Ro is the Rossby number of the convective flows (the ratio of the rotation period to the convective turnover time). For Jovian conditions at early times after formation (when convection is vigorous enough to mix a large fraction of the planet), we find the erosion time to be roughly 109 yrs in the non-rotating case and 1011 yrs in the rotating case. If these timescales are confirmed with a larger suite of numerical simulations, the existence of convective staircases within the deep interiors of giant planets is a strong possibility, and rotation could be an important factor in the preservation of their fuzzy cores.
Autoren: A. Maggio, I. Pillitteri, C. Argiroffi, D. Locci, S. Benatti, G. Micela
Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen
Kurztext: The evaporation and the chemistry of the atmospheres of warm and hot planets are strongly determined by the high-energy irradiation they receive from their parent stars. This is more crucial among young extra-solar systems, due to the high activity of stars at early ages. In particular, the EUV part of the stellar spectra drives significant processes of photo-chemical interaction, but it is not directly measurable due to strong interstellar absorption and the lack of sufficiently sensitive instrumentation. An alternative approach is to derive synthetic spectra from the analysis of FUV and X-ray emission lines, that allow to estimate the missed flux in the EUV band. We performed joint and simultaneous spectroscopy of HIP 67522 with XMM-Newton and HST aimed at reconstructing the full high-energy spectrum of this 17 Myr old solar-type (G0) star, which is the youngest known transiting multi-planet system at present time. We performed a time-resolved spectral analysis of the observations, including quiescent emission and flaring variability. Then, we derived the Emission Measure Distribution (EMD) vs. temperature of the chromospheric and coronal plasma from the high-resolution spectra obtained in X-rays with RGS and in FUV with COS. We derived broad-band X-ray and EUV luminosities from the synthetic spectrum based on the EMD, that allowed us to test alternative EUV vs. X-ray scaling laws available in literature. We also employed the total XUV flux received by the inner planet of the system to estimate its instantaneous atmospheric mass loss rate. We confirm that HIP 67522 is a very active star with a hot corona, reaching plasma temperatures above 20 MK even in quiescent state. Its EUV/X-ray flux ratio falls in between the predictions of the two scaling laws we have tested, indicating an important spread in the stellar properties, that requires further investigation.
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