Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 27.09.2024

Für den 27.09.2024 wurden 6 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 5 Submissions und 1 Replacement.



Autoren: Théo Bodrito, Olivier Flasseur, Julien Mairal, Jean Ponce, Maud Langlois, Anne-Marie Lagrange

Inhalt: 29 Seiten, 20 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen

Kurztext: Direct imaging of exoplanets is particularly challenging due to the high contrast between the planet and the star luminosities, and their small angular separation. In addition to tailored instrumental facilities implementing adaptive optics and coronagraphy, post-processing methods combining several images recorded in pupil tracking mode are needed to attenuate the nuisances corrupting the signals of interest. Most of these post-processing methods build a model of the nuisances from the target observations themselves, resulting in strongly limited detection sensitivity at short angular separations due to the lack of angular diversity. To address this issue, we propose to build the nuisance model from an archive of multiple observations by leveraging supervised deep learning techniques. The proposed approach casts the detection problem as a reconstruction task and captures the structure of the nuisance from two complementary representations of the data. Unlike methods inspired by reference differential imaging, the proposed model is highly non-linear and does not resort to explicit image-to-image similarity measurements and subtractions. The proposed approach also encompasses statistical modeling of learnable spatial features. The latter is beneficial to improve both the detection sensitivity and the robustness against heterogeneous data. We apply the proposed algorithm to several datasets from the VLT/SPHERE instrument, and demonstrate a superior precision-recall trade-off compared to the PACO algorithm. Interestingly, the gain is especially important when the diversity induced by ADI is the most limited, thus supporting the ability of the proposed approach to learn information across multiple observations.


Autoren: Shunyuan Mao, Ruobing Dong, Kwang Moo Yi, Lu Lu, Sifan Wang, Paris Perdikaris

Inhalt: 11 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen

Kurztext: We introduce Disk2Planet, a machine learning-based tool to infer key parameters in disk-planet systems from observed protoplanetary disk structures. Disk2Planet takes as input the disk structures in the form of two-dimensional density and velocity maps, and outputs disk and planet properties, that is, the Shakura–Sunyaev viscosity, the disk aspect ratio, the planet–star mass ratio, and the planet’s radius and azimuth. We integrate the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA–ES), an evolutionary algorithm tailored for complex optimization problems, and the Protoplanetary Disk Operator Network (PPDONet), a neural network designed to predict solutions of disk–planet interactions. Our tool is fully automated and can retrieve parameters in one system in three minutes on an Nvidia A100 graphics processing unit. We empirically demonstrate that our tool achieves percent-level or higher accuracy, and is able to handle missing data and unknown levels of noise.


Autoren: James G. Rogers, Caroline Dorn, Vivasvaan Aditya Raj, Hilke E. Schlichting, Edward D. Young

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 8 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: Super-Earths are highly irradiated, small planets with bulk densities approximately consistent with Earth. We construct combined interior-atmosphere models of super-Earths that trace the partitioning of water throughout a planet, including an iron-rich core, silicate-rich mantle, and steam atmosphere. We compare these models with exoplanet observations to infer a 1σ upper limit on total water mass fraction of ≲3% at the population level. We consider end-member scenarios that may change this value, including the efficiency of mantle outgassing and escape of high mean-molecular weight atmospheres. Although our constraints are agnostic as to the origin of water, we show that our upper limits are consistent with its production via chemical reactions of primordial hydrogen-dominated atmospheres with magma oceans. This mechanism has also been hypothesised to explain Earth’s water content, possibly pointing to a unified channel for the origins of water on small terrestrial planets.


Autoren: Ján Šubjak, Davide Gandolfi, Elisa Goffo, David Rapetti, Grzegorz Nowak, Toshiyuki Mizuki, Fei Dai, Luisa M. Serrano, Thomas G. Wilson, Dawid Jankowski, Krzysztof Goździewski, Jon M. Jenkins, Joseph D. Twicken, Joshua N. Winn, Allyson Bieryla, William D. Cochran, Karen A. Collins, Hans J. Deeg, Rafael A. García, Eike W. Guenther, Artie P. Hatzes, Petr Kabáth, Judith Korth, David W. Latham, John H. Livingston, Savita Mathur, Norio Narita, Jaume Orell-Miquel, Enric Pallé, Carina M. Persson, Seth Redfield, Richard P. Schwarz, David Watanabe, Carl Ziegler

Inhalt: 22 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen

Kurztext: We report on the discovery and spectroscopic confirmation of TOI-2458 b, a transiting mini-Neptune around an F-type star leaving the main-sequence with a mass of M=1.05±0.03 M, a radius of R=1.31±0.03 R, an effective temperature of Teff=6005±50 K, and a metallicity of −0.10±0.05 dex. By combining TESS photometry with high-resolution spectra acquired with the HARPS spectrograph, we found that the transiting planet has an orbital period of ∼3.74 days, a mass of Mp=13.31±0.99 M and a radius of Rp=2.83±0.20 R. The host star TOI-2458 shows a short activity cycle of ∼54 days revealed in the HARPS S-index time series. We took the opportunity to investigate other F stars showing activity cycle periods comparable to that of TOI-2458 and found that they have shorter rotation periods than would be expected based on the gyrochronology predictions. In addition, we determined TOI-2458’s stellar inclination angle to be i=10.6+13.3−10.6 degrees. We discuss that both phenomena (fast stellar rotation and planet orbit inclination) could be explained by in situ formation of a hot Jupiter interior to TOI-2458 b. It is plausible that this hot Jupiter was recently engulfed by the star. Analysis of HARPS spectra has identified the presence of another planet with a period of P=16.55±0.06 days and a minimum mass of Mpsini=10.22±1.90 M.


Autoren: A. Castro-González, J. Lillo-Box, D. J. Armstrong, L. Acuña, A. Aguichine, V. Bourrier, S. Gandhi, S. G. Sousa, E. Delgado-Mena, A. Moya, V. Adibekyan, A. C. M. Correia, D. Barrado, M. Damasso, J. N. Winn, N. C. Santos, K. Barkaoui, S. C. C. Barros, Z. Benkhaldoun, F. Bouchy, C. Briceño, D. A. Caldwell, K. A. Collins, Z. Essack, M. Ghachoui, M. Gillon, R. Hounsell, E. Jehin, J. M. Jenkins, M. A. F. Keniger, N. Law, A. W. Mann, L. D. Nielsen, F. J. Pozuelos, N. Schanche, S. Seager, T.-G. Tan, M. Timmermans, J. Villaseñor, C. N. Watkins, C. Ziegler

Inhalt: 35 Seiten, 25 Abbildungen, 11 Tabellen

Kurztext: The Neptunian desert and savanna have been recently found to be separated by a ridge, an overdensity of planets in the ≃3-5 days period range. These features are thought to be shaped by dynamical and atmospheric processes. However, their relative roles are not yet well understood. We intend to confirm and characterise the super-Neptune TESS candidate TOI-5005.01, which orbits a moderately bright (V = 11.8) solar-type star (G2 V) with an orbital period of 6.3 days. We confirm TOI-5005 b to be a transiting super-Neptune with a radius of Rp = 6.25±0.24 R (Rp = 0.558±0.021 RJ) and a mass of Mp = 32.7±5.9 M (Mp = 0.103±0.018 MJ), which corresponds to a mean density of ρp = 0.74±0.16 gcm−3. Our internal structure modelling indicates that the overall metal mass fraction is well constrained to a value slightly lower than that of Neptune and Uranus (Zplanet = 0.76+0.04−0.11). We also estimated the present-day atmospheric mass-loss rate of TOI-5005 b but found contrasting predictions depending on the choice of photoevaporation model. At a population level, we find statistical evidence (p-value = 0.0092+0.0184−0.0066) that planets in the savanna such as TOI-5005 b tend to show lower densities than planets in the ridge, with a dividing line around 1 gcm−3, which supports the hypothesis of different evolutionary pathways populating both regimes. TOI-5005 b is located in a key region of the period-radius space to study the transition between the Neptunian ridge and the savanna. It orbits the brightest star of all such planets, which makes it a target of interest for atmospheric and orbital architecture observations that will bring a clearer picture of its overall evolution.



Autoren: Adam B. Langeveld, Aleks Scholz, Koraljka Mužić, Ray Jayawardhana, Daniel Capela, Loïc Albert, René Doyon, Laura Flagg, Matthew de Furio, Doug Johnstone, David Lafrèniere, Michael Meyer

Inhalt: 26 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: The discovery and characterization of free-floating planetary-mass objects (FFPMOs) is fundamental to our understanding of star and planet formation. Here we report results from an extremely deep spectroscopic survey of the young star cluster NGC1333 using NIRISS WFSS on the James Webb Space Telescope. The survey is photometrically complete to K~21, and includes useful spectra for objects as faint as K~20.5. The observations cover 19 known brown dwarfs, for most of which we confirm spectral types using NIRISS spectra. We discover six new candidates with L-dwarf spectral types that are plausible planetary-mass members of NGC1333, with estimated masses between 5-15 MJup. One, at ~5 MJup, shows clear infrared excess emission and is a good candidate to be the lowest mass object known to have a disk. We do not find any objects later than mid-L spectral type (M < ~4 MJup). The paucity of Jupiter-mass objects, despite the survey’s unprecedented sensitivity, suggests that our observations reach the lowest mass objects formed like stars in NGC1333. Our findings put the fraction of FFPMOs in NGC1333 at ~10% of the number of cluster members, significantly more than expected from the typical log-normal stellar mass function. We also search for wide binaries in our images and report a young brown dwarf with a planetary-mass companion.



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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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