Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 30.09.2024

Für den 30.09.2024 wurden 6 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 3 Submissions und 3 Replacements.



Autoren: Yayaati Chachan, Eve J. Lee

Inhalt: 15 Seiten, 11 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: Small planets (≲1 M) at intermediate orbital distances (∼1 au) represent an uncharted territory in exoplanetary science. The upcoming microlensing survey by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be sensitive to objects as light as Ganymede and unveil the small planet population at 1−10 au. Instrumental sensitivity to such planets is low and the number of objects we will discover is strongly dependent on the underlying planet mass function. In this work, we provide a physically motivated planet mass function by combining the efficiency of planet formation by pebble accretion with the observed disk mass function. Because the disk mass function for M dwarfs (0.4−0.6M) is bottom heavy, the initial planet mass function is also expected to be bottom-heavy, skewing towards Ganymede and Mars mass objects, more so for heavier initial planetary seeds. We follow the subsequent dynamical evolution of planetary systems over ∼100 Myr varying the initial eccentricity and orbital spacing. For initial planet separations of ≥3 local disk scale heights, we find that Ganymede and Mars mass planets do not grow significantly by mergers. However, Earth-like planets undergo vigorous merging and turn into super-Earths, potentially creating a gap in the planet mass function at ∼1 M. Our results demonstrate that the slope of the mass function and the location of the potential gap in the mass function can probe the initial architecture of multi-planet systems. We close by discussing implications on the expected difference between bound and free-floating planet mass functions.


Autoren: Zhecheng Hu, Wei Zhu, Fei Dai, Ping Chen, Yang Huang, Min Fang, Richard S. Post

Inhalt: 10 Seiten, 4 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of Bernhard-2, which was previously identified as a candidate system to host a misaligned circumbinary disk. Our spectroscopic measurements confirm that Bernhard-2 indeed contains an eccentric (e=0.69±0.08) binary and thus that the periodic variability in the photometric light curve is best explained by the occultation by the misaligned circumbinary disk. By modeling the spectral energy distributions at different phases, we infer the system age to be ∼20Myr and the masses of the two binary components to be ∼1.1M and ∼0.9M, respectively. Our new photometric observations show clear deviations from the model prediction based on the archival data, suggesting ongoing precession of the circumbinary disk. The Hα line of Bernhard-2 also shows an inverse P-Cygni profile at epochs close to the pericenter passage, which could be attributed to the pulsed accretion around the pericenter. Bernhard-2 therefore closely resembles the well studied KH 15D system. Further detailed observations and studies of such rare systems can provide useful information about disk physics and evolution.


Autoren: R. Brasser

Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: Terrestrial planet formation (TPF) is a difficult problem that has vexed researchers for decades. Numerical models are only partially successful at reproducing the orbital architecture of the inner planets, but have generally not considered the effect of the growth of the giant planets. I dynamically model TPF as the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are growing using GENGA. The evolution of the masses, radii and orbital elements of the gas giants are precomputed and read and interpolated within GENGA. The terrestrial planets are formed by planetesimal accretion from tens of thousands of self-gravitating planetesimals spread between 0.5 au and 8.5 au. The total mass of the inner planetesimal disc and outer disc are typically 2 and 3 Earth masses respectively, and the composition of the planetesimals changes from non-carbonaceous-like to carbonaceous-like at a prescribed distance, ranging from 2 au to 5 au. After 5 Myr of evolution approximately 10% to 25% of the mass of planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region is implanted in the inner solar system, which is more than what cosmochemical models predict. The implantation initially sets up a composition gradient in the inner solar system, with the fraction of outer solar system material increasing with increasing distance to the Sun. The planetesimals that remain in the inner solar system have a mixed composition. The growth of the gas giants scatters planetesimals in their vicinity into the inner solar system, which changes the isotopic composition of the terrestrial planets. The planetesimal disc in the vicinity of the gas giants may not have been very massive, ~1 ME. The inner planetesimal disc may not have extended much farther than 2 au otherwise embryos do not grow fast enough to produce Mars analogues. This could mean that the region of the current asteroid belt never contained much mass to begin with.



Autoren: Elizabeth J. Melton, Eric D. Feigelson, Marco Montalto, Gabriel A. Caceres, Andrew W. Rosenswie, Cullen S. Abelson

Inhalt: 37 Seiten, 19 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: The DIAmante TESS AutoRegressive Planet Search (DTARPS) project, using novel statistical methods, has identified several hundred candidates for transiting planetary systems obtained from 0.9 million Full Frame Image light curves obtained in the TESS Year 1 southern hemisphere survey (Melton et al. 2024a and 2024b). Several lines of evidence, including limited reconnaissance spectroscopy, indicate that at least half are true planets rather than False Positives. Here various population properties of these objects are examined. Half of the DTARPS candidates are hot Neptunes, populating the ‚Neptune desert‘ found in Kepler planet samples. The DTARPS samples also identify dozens of Ultra Short Period planets with orbital periods down to 5 hours, high priority systems for atmospheric transimssion spectroscopy, and planets orbiting low-mass M stars. DTARPS methodology is sufficiently well-characterized at each step that preliminary planet occurrence rates can be estimated. Except for the increase in hot Neptunes, DTARPS planet occurrence rates are consistent with Kepler rates. Overall, DTARPS provides one of the largest and most reliable catalog of TESS exoplanet candidates that can be tapped to improve our understanding of various exoplanetary populations and astrophysical processes.


Autoren: Parashmoni Kashyap, Liton Majumdar, Anne Dutrey, Stéphane Guilloteau, Karen Willacy, Edwige Chapillon, Richard Teague, Dmitry Semenov, Thomas Henning, Neal Turner, Raghvendra Sahai, Ágnes Kóspál, Audrey Coutens, V. Piétu, Pierre Gratier, Maxime Ruaud, N. T. Phuong, E. Di Folco, Chin-Fei Lee, Y.-W. Tang

Inhalt: 26 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen

Kurztext: Resolved molecular line observations are essential for gaining insight into the physical and chemical structure of protoplanetary disks, particularly in cold, dense regions where planets form and acquire their chemical compositions. However, tracing these regions is challenging because most molecules freeze onto grain surfaces and are not observable in the gas phase. We investigated cold molecular chemistry in the triple stellar T Tauri disk GG Tau A, which harbours a massive gas and dust ring and an outer disk, using ALMA Band 7 observations. We present high angular resolution maps of N2H+ and DCO+ emission, with upper limits reported for H2D+, 13CS, and SO2. The radial intensity profile of N2H+ shows most emission near the ring outer edge, while DCO+ exhibits double peaks, one near the ring inner edge and the other in the outer disk. With complementary observations of lower-lying transitions, we constrained the molecular surface densities and rotation temperatures. We compared the derived quantities with model predictions across different cosmic ray ionization (CRI) rates, carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratios, and stellar UV fluxes. Cold molecular chemistry, affecting N2H+, DCO+, and H2D+ abundances, is most sensitive to CRI rates, while stellar UV flux and C/O ratios have minimal impact on these three ions. Our best model requires a low cosmic ray ionization rate of 1e-18 s-1. However, it fails to match the low temperatures derived from N2H+ and DCO+, 12 to 16 K, which are much lower than the CO freezing temperature.


Autoren: Flavien Kiefer, Anne-Marie Lagrange, Pascal Rubini, Florian Philipot

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 14 Abbildungen, 14 Tabellen

Kurztext: In a previous paper, we introduced a new tool called GaiaPMEX. It characterizes the mass and semi-major axis relative to the central star (sma) of a possible companion around any source observed with Gaia. It uses the value of RUWE, or, with both Gaia and Hipparcos, the value of proper motion anomaly (PMa), alone or combined with the RUWE. Our goal is to exploit the large volume of sources in Gaia’s DR3 and find new exoplanet candidates. We wish to create a new input catalog of planet-candidate hosting systems to the disposal of future follow-up projects. Beyond G=14, this catalog would prepare the arrival of powerful instruments on the ELTs, that could include RV follow-up of faint stars and direct imaging of planets around main sequence Gyr-old stars. We used the mass-sma degenerate set of solutions obtained by GaiaPMEX from any value of RUWE to select a sample of bright (G<16) Gaia sources whose companions could be planetary, with a mass <13.5 MJup. It led us to identify a sample of 9,698 planet candidate hosting sources, whose companion may have a mass <13.5 MJup in the range of 1-3-au sma. We identified 19 systems that are also reported in the Nasa exoplanet archive. We detected 8 substellar companions with a 1-3-au sma, initially discovered and characterised with RV and astrometry. Moreover, we found 6 transiting-planet systems and 2 wide-orbit systems for whom we predict the existence of supplementary companions. Focusing on the subsample of sources observed with Hipparcos, combining RUWE and PMa, we confirmed the identification of 4 new planetary candidate systems HD 187129, HD 81697, CD-42 883, and HD 105330. Given the degeneracy of mass-sma, many of the candidates in this 9,698 sources catalog might have a larger mass, in the brown-dwarf and stellar domain, if their sma departs from the 1-3-au range. The vetting of this large catalog will be the subject of future studies.



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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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