Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 01.10.2024

Für den 01.10.2024 wurden 10 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 7 Submissions und 3 Replacements.



Autoren: Noah W. Tuchow, Jason T. Wright

Inhalt: 3 Seiten, 1 Abbildung

Kurztext: We present HZ_evolution, a Python package to characterize the habitable histories of exoplanets. Given inputs of a planet’s current effective flux and host star properties, HZ_evolution calculates its instellation history, the evolution of the star’s Habitable Zone, and the duration the planet spends inside or outside the Habitable Zone.


Autoren: Zhijun Tu, Shu Wang, Jifeng Liu

Inhalt: 31 Seiten, 14 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen

Kurztext: We present a comprehensive analysis of 20 T and Y dwarfs using spectroscopy from the NIRSpec CLEAR/PRISM and MIRI LRS instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope. To characterize the atmospheric parameters, we utilize two atmospheric model grids: the Sonora Elf Owl and ATMO2020++. The effective temperatures derived from the two models are relatively consistent, and metallicities are both close to solar values. However, significant discrepancies are found in other parameters, particularly in surface gravity, with the values obtained from the Sonora Elf Owl models typically being about 1 dex lower than those from the ATMO2020++ models. Further comparisons using the ATMO2020 models highlight that the adiabatic convective process introduced in the ATMO2020++ models has a significant impact on the determination of surface gravity. Using the fitted effective temperatures and absolute parallaxes from the literature, we derive radii for the brown dwarfs, which range from approximately 0.8 to 1.2 RJup. The estimated masses and ages, derived using evolutionary tracks, indicate that most brown dwarfs in our sample have masses below 30 MJup and are younger than 6 Gyr. Specifically, Y dwarfs have masses ranging from 2 to 20 MJup and ages between 0.1 and 6.7 Gyr. In addition, We discuss the determination of atmospheric parameters using only NIRSpec or MIRI spectra. Comparisons with results from the combined spectra show that the effective temperatures and surface gravities derived solely from NIRSpec spectra are largely consistent with those obtained from the combined spectra.


Autoren: J. Cernicharo, C. Cabezas, R. Fuentetaja, M. Agúndez, B. Tercero, J. Janeiro, M. Juanes, R. I. Kaiser, Y. Endo, A. L. Steber, D. Pérez, C. Pérez, A. Lesarri, N. Marcelino, P. de Vicente

Inhalt: 19 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 15 Tabellen

Kurztext: We report the discovery in TMC-1 of two cyano derivatives of the PAH acenaphthylene (C12H8). We have found two series of lines with the QUIJOTE line survey that we assign to 1-C12H7CN and 5-C12H7CN. For the 1-isomer, we have detected and assigned 173 rotational transitions with J up to 46 and Ka up to 9, corresponding to 107 independent frequencies. For the 5-isomer, the identification is based on 56 individual lines, corresponding to 117 rotational transitions with J up to 40 and Ka up to 8. Identification of the carriers was achieved through a careful analysis of the derived rotational constants, which permit us to focus on molecules larger than naphthalene but smaller than anthracene and phenanthrene. Moreover, the derived rotational constants indicate that the species are planar; this allows us to discard derivatives of fluorene and acenaphthene, which are non-planar species. Quantum chemical calculations and subsequent chemical synthesis of these molecules, as well as the observation of their rotational transitions in the laboratory, unequivocally support our identifications. We also confirm, via a robust line-by-line detection, the previous claimed detection of 1- and 2- cyanonaphthalene, which were obtained through statistical stacking techniques. The column densities of 1- and 5-cyanoacenaphthylene are (9.5\,±\,0.9)×\,1011 cm−2, while those of 1- and 2-cyanonapthalene are (5.5\,±\,0.5)×\,1011 cm−2. Hence, it seems that acenaphthylene could be a factor of 1.7 more abundant than naphthalene. These results support a scenario in which PAHs grow in cold dark clouds based on fused five- and six-membered carbon rings.


Autoren: Michael Radica, Caroline Piaulet-Ghorayeb, Jake Taylor, Louis-Philippe Coulombe, Loïc Albert, Étienne Artigau, Björne Benneke, Nicolas B. Cowan, René Doyon, David Lafrenière, Alexandrine L’Heureux, Olivia Lim

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: Attempts to probe the atmospheres of rocky planets around M dwarfs present both promise and peril. While their favorable planet-to-star radius ratios enable searches for even thin secondary atmospheres, their high activity levels and high-energy outputs threaten atmosphere survival. Here, we present the 0.6–2.85μm transmission spectrum of the 1.1 Earth-radius, ~340K rocky planet TRAPPIST-1c obtained over two JWST NIRISS/SOSS transit observations. Each of the two spectra displays 100–500 ppm signatures of stellar contamination. Despite being separated by 367 days, the retrieved spot and faculae properties are consistent between the two visits, resulting in nearly identical transmission spectra. Jointly retrieving for stellar contamination and a planetary atmosphere rules out with high confidence (>3-σ) not only clear hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, but even thin, 1-bar high-mean molecular weight atmospheres rich in H2O, NH3, or CO (at the 2-σ level). We find that the only atmosphere scenarios which our spectrum cannot rule out are CH4– or CO2-rich atmospheres, which are both unlikely to be retained when considering the photodestruction of CH4 and the susceptibility of even a CO2-rich atmosphere to escape given the cumulative high-energy irradiation experienced by the planet. Our results further stress the importance of robustly accounting for stellar contamination when analyzing JWST observations of exo-Earths around M dwarfs, as well as the need for high-fidelity stellar models to search for the potential signals of thin secondary atmospheres.


Autoren: Michal Pirog, Siddharth Mahesh, Sean T. McWilliams

Inhalt: 29 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: (Abridged) To gain insight into the dynamical influence of a supermassive black hole binary on a circumbinary accretion disk, we investigate the binary and viscous torque densities throughout such a disk, with emphasis on the final density distribution, particularly the size and stability of the central gap between the binary and the inner edge of the disk. We limit ourselves to the simplified case of a massless viscous thin accretion disk under the influence of the gravitational potential from a binary system whose orbital plane is inclined relative to the disk. The orbital plane could be inclined if it is not coeval with the disk, or the black holes have spin angular momentum misaligned with respect to the disk’s orbital angular momentum, so that the binary can precess to an inclined orientation. We employ 2D Newtonian hydrodynamics simulations to examine the influence of two model parameters: the mass ratio of the binary and the inclination angle between the binary and the disk. We investigate their impact on the density and torque distribution. In our analytical approach, we consider the stability of epicycles induced by the perturbative effect of the asymmetric inclined binary gravitational potential on Keplerian circular orbits. Through our simulations, we observe that certain configurations never attain a quasi-steady state, where the density profile averaged over many orbits stabilizes. This instability occurs when the inclination is close to 45 degrees. Furthermore, we identify configurations where there is never a persistent balance between the dynamical and viscous torque densities, as well as cases where the location of this balance oscillates or exhibits other time-dependent behavior over viscous timescales. These findings have implications for understanding both the expected gravitational-wave signal and electromagnetic counterparts from supermassive black hole binaries.


Autoren: Apurva V. Oza, Julia V. Seidel, H. Jens Hoeijmakers, Athira Unni, Aurora Y. Kesseli, Carl A. Schmidt, Sivarani Thirupathi, Aaron Bello-Arufe, Andrea Gebek, Moritz Meyer zu Westram, Sérgio G. Sousa, Rosaly M.C. Lopes, Renyu Hu, Katherine de Kleer, Chloe Fisher, Sébastien Charnoz, Ashley D. Baker, Samuel P. Halverson, Nicholas M. Schneider, Angelica Psaridi, Aurélien Wyttenbach, Santiago Torres, Ishita Bhatnagar, Robert E. Johnson

Inhalt: 13 Seiten, 3 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: al sodium (Na I) is an alkali metal with a favorable absorption cross section such that tenuous gases are easily illuminated at select transiting exoplanet systems. We examine both the time-averaged and time-series alkali spectral flux individually, over 4 nights at a hot Saturn system on a ∼ 2.8 day orbit about a Sun-like star WASP-49 A. Very Large Telescope/ESPRESSO observations are analyzed, providing new constraints. We recover the previously confirmed residual sodium flux uniquely when averaged, whereas night-to-night Na I varies by more than an order of magnitude. On HARPS/3.6-m Epoch II, we report a Doppler redshift at vΓ,NaD= +9.7 ± 1.6 km/s with respect to the planet’s rest frame. Upon examining the lightcurves, we confirm night-to-night variability, on the order of ∼ 1-4 % in NaD rarely coinciding with exoplanet transit, not readily explained by stellar activity, starspots, tellurics, or the interstellar medium. Coincident with the ∼+10 km/s Doppler redshift, we detect a transient sodium absorption event dFNaD/F = 3.6 ± 1 % at a relative difference of ΔFNaD(t)∼ 4.4 ± 1 %, enduring ΔtNaD≳ 40 minutes. Since exoplanetary alkali signatures are blueshifted due to the natural vector of radiation pressure, estimated here at roughly ∼ -5.7 km/s, the radial velocity is rather at +15.4 km/s, far larger than any known exoplanet system. Given that the redshift magnitude vΓ is in between the Roche limit and dynamically stable satellite orbits, the transient sodium may be a putative indication of a natural satellite orbiting WASP-49 A b.


Autoren: L. W. IJspeert, A. Tkachenko, C. Johnston, C. Aerts

Inhalt: 15 Seiten, 26 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen

Kurztext: Eclipsing binaries are crucial for understanding stellar physics, allowing detailed studies of stellar masses, radii, and orbital dynamics. Recent space missions like the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have significantly expanded the catalogue of observed eclipsing binaries with uninterrupted time series photometry, providing an opportunity for large-scale ensemble studies. This study aims to analyse the statistical properties of circularisation in a large sample of intermediate-to-high mass eclipsing binaries observed by TESS. We explore the dependence of orbital circularisation on stellar properties and orbital parameters to improve our understanding of the physical processes affecting these systems. We further aim to assess the role of stellar pulsations in circularisation. We compiled a catalogue of O- to F-type stars to search for eclipsing binary signals in the TESS data. Using automated classification and data analysis methodologies, we arrive at a well-characterised sample of 14,573 eclipsing binaries. We investigate the statistical characteristics of the sample as a function of temperature, orbital period, and scaled orbital separation. The orbital circularisation was measured with statistical methods to obtain three distinct measurements of the critical period and separation in four temperature ranges. Pulsations were identified in the g- and p-mode regimes and a reduced fraction of eccentric systems was found among them. Our analysis confirmed and expanded upon previous findings that additional dissipation is needed as compared to the predictions of turbulent viscosity and non-resonant radiative damping. We speculate that pulsations may play a role in the circularisation of close binaries. Our study highlights the need for dissipative mechanisms that can produce a wide range of critical periods from a range of initial conditions.



Autoren: D. González Picos, I.A.G. Snellen, S. de Regt, R. Landman, Y. Zhang, S. Gandhi, C. Ginski, A.Y. Kesseli, P. Mollière, T. Stolker

Inhalt: 22 Seiten, 19 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: Young brown dwarfs exhibit atmospheric characteristics similar to those of super-Jupiters, providing a unique opportunity to study planetary atmospheres. The ESO SupJup Survey, utilizing CRIRES+ on the Very Large Telescope, aims to assess the role of 12C/13C as a formation tracer. We present observations of three young brown dwarfs: 2MASS J12003792-7845082, TWA 28, and 2MASS J08561384-1342242, with the goal of constraining their chemical compositions, thermal profiles, surface gravities, spin rotations, and 12C/13C. Atmospheric retrievals of CRIRES+ K-band spectra were conducted using the radiative transfer code petitRADTRANS coupled with the Bayesian inference algorithm MultiNest, resulting in a detailed characterization of the atmospheres of these objects. We report the volume mixing ratios of main molecular and atomic species, including the novel detection of hydrogen fluoride (HF) in a brown dwarf’s atmosphere, and determine 12C/13C values of 81+28−19 and 79+20−14 in the atmospheres of TWA 28 and J0856, respectively, with strong significance (>3σ). Tentative evidence (∼2σ) of 13C in J1200 was found, with 12C/13C = 114+69−33, along with 18O detected at moderate significance in J0856 (3.3σ) and TWA 28 (2.1σ). The retrieved thermal profiles indicate hot atmospheres (2300-2600 K) with low surface gravities and slow spins, consistent with young objects. The consistent carbon isotope ratios among the three objects, showing no significant deviation from the local ISM, suggest a fragmentation-based formation mechanism similar to star formation. The tentative detection of 18O in two objects highlights the potential of high-resolution spectroscopy to probe additional isotope ratios, such as 16O/18O, in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs and super-Jupiters.


Autoren: Shangjia Zhang, Zhaohuan Zhu

Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 6 Abbildungen

Kurztext: Shadows are often observed in transition disks, which can result from obscuring by materials closer to the star, such as a misaligned inner disk. While shadows leave apparent darkened emission as observational signatures, they have significant dynamical impact on the disk. We carry out 3D radiation hydrodynamical simulations to study shadows in transition disks and find that the temperature drop due to the shadow acts as an asymmetric driving force, leading to spirals in the cavity. These spirals have zero pattern speed following the fixed shadow. The pitch angle is given by tan−1(cs/) (6∘ if h/r=0.1). These spirals transport mass through the cavity efficiently, with α∼10−2 in our simulation. Besides spirals, the cavity edge can also form vortices and flocculent streamers. When present, these features could disturb the shadow-induced spirals. By carrying out Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer simulations, we show that these features resemble those observed in near-infrared scattered light images. In the vertical direction, the vertical gravity is no longer balanced by the pressure gradient alone. Instead, an azimuthal convective acceleration term balances the gravity-pressure difference, leading to azimuthally periodic upward and downward gas motion reaching 10% of the sound speed, which can be probed by ALMA line observations.


Autoren: R. Brasser

Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: Terrestrial planet formation (TPF) is a difficult problem that has vexed researchers for decades. Numerical models are only partially successful at reproducing the orbital architecture of the inner planets, but have generally not considered the effect of the growth of the giant planets. I dynamically model TPF as the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are growing using GENGA. The evolution of the masses, radii and orbital elements of the gas giants are precomputed and read and interpolated within GENGA. The terrestrial planets are formed by planetesimal accretion from tens of thousands of self-gravitating planetesimals spread between 0.5 au and 8.5 au. The total mass of the inner planetesimal disc and outer disc are typically 2 and 3 Earth masses respectively, and the composition of the planetesimals changes from non-carbonaceous-like to carbonaceous-like at a prescribed distance, ranging from 2 au to 5 au. After 5 Myr of evolution approximately 10% to 25% of the mass of planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region is implanted in the inner solar system, which is more than what cosmochemical models predict. The implantation initially sets up a composition gradient in the inner solar system, with the fraction of outer solar system material increasing with increasing distance to the Sun. The planetesimals that remain in the inner solar system have a mixed composition. The growth of the gas giants scatters planetesimals in their vicinity into the inner solar system, which changes the isotopic composition of the terrestrial planets. The planetesimal disc in the vicinity of the gas giants may not have been very massive, ~1 ME. The inner planetesimal disc may not have extended much farther than 2 au otherwise embryos do not grow fast enough to produce Mars analogues. This could mean that the region of the current asteroid belt never contained much mass to begin with.



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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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