Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 07.10.2024

Für den 07.10.2024 wurden 8 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 6 Submissions und 2 Replacements.



Autoren: Shuo Huang, Nienke van der Marel, Simon Portegies Zwart

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 12 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen

Kurztext: Protoplanetary disks surrounding young stars are the birth places of planets. Among them, transition disks with inner dust cavities of tens of au are sometimes suggested to host massive companions. Yet, such companions are often not detected. Some transition disks exhibit a large amount of gas inside the dust cavity and relatively high stellar accretion rates, which contradicts typical models of gas-giant-hosting systems. Therefore, we investigate whether a sequence of low-mass planets can produce cavities in the dust disk. We evolve the disks with low-mass accreting embryos in combination with 1D dust transport and 3D pebble accretion, to investigate the reduction of the pebble flux at the embryos‘ orbits. We vary the planet and disk properties. We find that multiple pebble-accreting planets can efficiently decrease the dust surface density, resulting in dust cavities consistent with transition disks. The number of low-mass planets necessary to sweep up all pebbles decreases with decreasing turbulent strength and is preferred when the dust Stokes number is 10−2−10−4. Compared to dust rings caused by pressure bumps, those by efficient pebble accretion exhibit more extended outer edges. We also highlight the observational reflections: the transition disks with rings featuring extended outer edges tend to have a large gas content in the dust cavities and rather high stellar accretion rates. We propose that planet-hosting transition disks consist of two groups. In Group A disks, planets have evolved into gas giants, opening deep gaps in the gas disk. Pebbles concentrate in pressure maxima, forming dust rings. In Group B, multiple Neptunes (unable to open deep gas gaps) accrete incoming pebbles, causing the appearance of inner dust cavities. The morphological discrepancy of these rings may aid in distinguishing between the two groups using high-resolution ALMA observations.


Autoren: Zixin Zhang, Wenqin Wang, Xinyue Ma, Zhangliang Chen, Yonghao Wang, Cong Yu, Shangfei Liu, Yang Gao, Baitian Tang, Bo Ma

Inhalt: 30 Seiten, 12 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: The presence of another planetary companion in a transiting exoplanet system can impact its transit light curve, leading to sinusoidal transit timing variations (TTV). By utilizing both χ2 and RMS analysis, we have combined the TESS observation data with an N-body simulation to investigate the existence of an additional planet in the system and put a limit on its mass. We have developed CMAT, an efficient and user-friendly tool for fitting transit light curves and calculating TTV with a theoretical period, based on which we can give a limit on its hidden companion’s mass. We use 260 hot Jupiter systems from the complete TESS data set to demonstrate the use of CMAT. Our findings indicate that, for most systems, the upper mass limit of a companion planet can be restricted to several Jupiter masses. This constraint becomes stronger near resonance orbits, such as the 1:2, 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 mean motion resonance, where the limit is reduced to several Earth masses. These findings align with previous studies suggesting that a lack of companion planets with resonance in hot Jupiter systems could potentially support the high eccentricity migration theory. Additionally, we observed that the choice between χ2 or {root mean square (RMS)} method does not significantly affect the upper limit on companion mass; however, χ2 analysis may result in weaker restrictions but is statistically more robust compared to RMS analysis in most cases


Autoren: Dion Linssen, Antonija Oklopčić, Morgan MacLeod

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 6 Tabellen

Kurztext: Studying atmospheric escape from exoplanets can provide important clues about the formation and evolution of exoplanets. Observational evidence of atmospheric escape has been obtained through transit spectroscopy in strong spectral lines of various atomic species. In recent years, the number of exoplanets that have been targeted in this way has grown rapidly, mainly by observations of the metastable helium triplet. Even with this larger sample of exoplanets, many aspects of atmospheric escape remain not fully understood, such as the role of the stellar high-energy spectrum and planetary magnetic field, highlighting the need for additional observations. This work aims to identify the best targets for observations in various spectral lines. Using the atmospheric escape code sunbather, we calculate a synthetic transmission spectrum of nearly every transiting exoplanet currently known. This database of spectra, named sunset, is publicly available. We introduce metrics based on the spectral line strengths and system distance or magnitude, which allow swift identification of the most favorable targets. By analyzing the complete set of spectra from a demographic perspective, we find that the strengths of many spectral lines do not correlate strongly with the atmospheric mass-loss rate, suggesting that a nondetection does not immediately rule out an escaping atmosphere. Our model spectra show only a weak correlation between the XUV (X-ray and extreme UV) flux and the helium line strength, affirming that the absence of such a trend found by observational works is in fact as expected. A direct comparison between our synthetic spectra and the sample of observed metastable helium spectra shows that they are generally consistent within the large model uncertainties. This suggests that by and large, photoevaporation is able to explain the current metastable helium census.


Autoren: Shashank Dholakia, Shishir Dholakia, Benjamin J. S. Pope

Inhalt: 14 Seiten, 8 Abbildungen

Kurztext: Increasingly precise space-based photometry uncovers higher-order effects in transits, eclipses and phase curves which can be used to characterize exoplanets in novel ways. The subtle signature induced by a rotationally deformed exoplanet is determined by the planet’s oblateness and rotational obliquity, which provide a wealth of information about a planet’s formation, internal structure, and dynamical history. However, these quantities are often strongly degenerate and require sophisticated methods to convincingly constrain. We develop a new semi-analytic model for an ellipsoidal object occulting a spherical body with arbitrary surface maps expressed in terms of spherical harmonics. We implement this model in an open-source Jax-based Python package eclipsoid, allowing just-in-time compilation and automatic differentiation. We then estimate the precision obtainable with JWST observations of the long period planet population and demonstrate the best current candidates for studies of oblateness and obliquity. We test our method on the JWST NIRSpec transit of the inflated warm Neptune WASP-107 b and place an upper bound on its projected oblateness f<0.23, which corresponds to a rotation period of Prot>13h if the planet is not inclined to our line of sight. Further studies of long-period exoplanets will necessitate discarding the assumption of planets as spherical bodies. Eclipsoid provides a general framework allowing rotational deformation to be modelled in transits, occultations, phase curves, transmission spectra and more.


Autoren: Andrea M. Salazar, Robin Wordsworth

Inhalt: 16 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Kurztext: The equilibrium rotation rate of a planet is determined by the sum of torques acting on its solid body. For planets with atmospheres, the dominant torques are usually the gravitational tide, which acts to slow the planet’s rotation rate, and the atmospheric thermal tide, which acts to spin up the planet. Previous work demonstrated that rocky planets with thick atmospheres may produce strong enough thermal tides to avoid tidal locking, but a study of how the strength of the thermal tide depends on atmospheric properties has not been done. In this work, we use a combination of simulations from a global climate model and analytic theory to explore how the thermal tide depends on the shortwave and longwave optical depth of the atmosphere, the surface pressure, and the absorbed stellar radiation. We find that for planets in the habitable zones of M stars only high-pressure but low-opacity atmospheres permit asynchronous rotation owing to the weakening of the thermal tide at high longwave and shortwave optical depths. We conclude that asynchronous rotation may be very unlikely around low-mass stars, which may limit the potential habitability of planets around M stars.


Autoren: Caroline Piaulet-Ghorayeb, Bjorn Benneke, Michael Radica, Eshan Raul, Louis-Philippe Coulombe, Eva-Maria Ahrer, Daria Kubyshkina, Ward S. Howard, Joshua Krissansen-Totton, Ryan MacDonald, Pierre-Alexis Roy, Amy Louca, Duncan Christie, Marylou Fournier-Tondreau, Romain Allart, Yamila Miguel, Hilke E. Schlichting, Luis Welbanks, Charles Cadieux, Caroline Dorn, Thomas M. Evans-Soma, Jonathan J. Fortney, Raymond Pierrehumbert, David Lafreniere, Lorena Acuna, Thaddeus Komacek, Hamish Innes, Thomas G. Beatty, Ryan Cloutier, Rene Doyon, Anna Gagnebin, Cyril Gapp, Heather A. Knutson

Inhalt: 37 Seiten, 18 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: With sizable volatile envelopes but smaller radii than the solar system ice giants, sub-Neptunes have been revealed as one of the most common types of planet in the galaxy. While the spectroscopic characterization of larger sub-Neptunes (2.5-4R) has revealed hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, smaller sub-Neptunes (1.6–2.5R) could either host thin, rapidly evaporating hydrogen-rich atmospheres or be stable metal-rich „water worlds“ with high mean molecular weight atmospheres and a fundamentally different formation and evolutionary history. Here, we present the 0.6–2.8μm JWST NIRISS/SOSS transmission spectrum of GJ 9827 d, the smallest (1.98 R) warm (Teq,AB=0.3∼620K) sub-Neptune where atmospheric absorbers have been detected to date. Our two transit observations with NIRISS/SOSS, combined with the existing HST/WFC3 spectrum, enable us to break the clouds-metallicity degeneracy. We detect water in a highly metal-enriched „steam world“ atmosphere (O/H of ∼4 by mass and H2O found to be the background gas with a volume mixing ratio of >31%). We further show that these results are robust to stellar contamination through the transit light source effect. We do not detect escaping metastable He, which, combined with previous nondetections of escaping He and H, supports the steam atmosphere scenario. In water-rich atmospheres, hydrogen loss driven by water photolysis happens predominantly in the ionized form which eludes observational constraints. We also detect several flares in the NIRISS/SOSS light-curves with far-UV energies of the order of 1030 erg, highlighting the active nature of the star. Further atmospheric characterization of GJ 9827 d probing carbon or sulfur species could reveal the origin of its high metal enrichment.



Autoren: Gabi Wenzel, Ilsa R. Cooke, P. Bryan Changala, Edwin A. Bergin, Shuo Zhang, Andrew M. Burkhardt, Alex N. Byrne, Steven B. Charnley, Martin A. Cordiner, Miya Duffy, Zachary T. P. Fried, Harshal Gupta, Martin S. Holdren, Andrew Lipnicky, Ryan A. Loomis, Hannah Toru Shay, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Mark A. Siebert, D. Archie Stewart, Reace H. J. Willis, Ci Xue, Anthony J. Remijan, Alison E. Wendlandt, Michael C. McCarthy, Brett A. McGuire

Inhalt: 35 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen, 5 Tabellen

Kurztext: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are expected to be the most abundant class of organic molecules in space. Their interstellar lifecycle is not well understood, and progress is hampered by difficulties detecting individual PAH molecules. Here, we present the discovery of CN-functionalized pyrene, a 4-ring PAH, in the dense cloud TMC-1 using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope. We derive an abundance of 1-cyanopyrene of ~1.52 x 1012 cm−2, and from this estimate that the un-substituted pyrene accounts for up to ~0.03-0.3% of the carbon budget in the dense interstellar medium which trace the birth sites of stars and planets. The presence of pyrene in this cold (~10 K) molecular cloud agrees with its recent measurement in asteroid Ryugu where isotopic clumping suggest a cold, interstellar origin. The direct link to the birth site of our solar system is strengthened when we consider the solid state pyrene content in the pre-stellar materials compared to comets, which represent the most pristine material in the solar system. We estimate that solid state pyrene can account for 1% of the carbon within comets carried by this one single organic molecule. The abundance indicates pyrene is an „island of stability“ in interstellar PAH chemistry and suggests a potential cold molecular cloud origin of the carbon carried by PAHs that is supplied to forming planetary systems, including habitable worlds such as our own.


Autoren: Kepler-51 is a ≲1Gyr-old Sun-like star hosting three transiting planets with radii ≈6-9R⊕ and orbital periods ≈45-130days. Transit timing variations (TTVs) measured with past Kepler and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations have been successfully modeled by considering gravitational interactions between the three transiting planets, yielding low masses and low mean densities (≲0.1g/cm3) for all three planets. However, the transit time of the outermost transiting planet Kepler-51d recently measured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) 10 years after the Kepler observations is significantly discrepant from the prediction made by the three-planet TTV model, which we confirmed with ground-based and follow-up HST observations. We show that the departure from the three-planet model is explained by including a fourth outer planet, Kepler-51e, in the TTV model. A wide range of masses (≲MJup) and orbital periods (≲10yr) are possible for Kepler-51e. Nevertheless, all the coplanar solutions found from our brute-force search imply masses ≲10M⊕ for the inner transiting planets. Thus their densities remain low, though with larger uncertainties than previously estimated. Unlike other possible solutions, the one in which Kepler-51e is around the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Kepler-51d implies low orbital eccentricities (≲0.05) and comparable masses (∼5M⊕) for all four planets, as is seen in other compact multi-planet systems. This work demonstrates the importance of long-term follow-up of TTV systems for probing longer period planets in a system.

Inhalt: 48 Seiten, 26 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen

Kurztext: Kepler-51 is a ≲1Gyr-old Sun-like star hosting three transiting planets with radii ≈6-9R and orbital periods ≈45-130days. Transit timing variations (TTVs) measured with past Kepler and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations have been successfully modeled by considering gravitational interactions between the three transiting planets, yielding low masses and low mean densities (≲0.1g/cm3) for all three planets. However, the transit time of the outermost transiting planet Kepler-51d recently measured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) 10 years after the Kepler observations is significantly discrepant from the prediction made by the three-planet TTV model, which we confirmed with ground-based and follow-up HST observations. We show that the departure from the three-planet model is explained by including a fourth outer planet, Kepler-51e, in the TTV model. A wide range of masses (≲MJup) and orbital periods (≲10yr) are possible for Kepler-51e. Nevertheless, all the coplanar solutions found from our brute-force search imply masses ≲10M for the inner transiting planets. Thus their densities remain low, though with larger uncertainties than previously estimated. Unlike other possible solutions, the one in which Kepler-51e is around the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Kepler-51d implies low orbital eccentricities (≲0.05) and comparable masses (∼5M) for all four planets, as is seen in other compact multi-planet systems. This work demonstrates the importance of long-term follow-up of TTV systems for probing longer period planets in a system.



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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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