Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 08.10.2024
von Michael Johne ·
Für den 08.10.2024 wurden 11 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 7 Submissions und 4 Replacements.
Autoren: Jane Huang, Megan Ansdell, Tilman Birnstiel, Ian Czekala, Feng Long, Jonathan Williams, Shangjia Zhang, Zhaohuan Zhu
Inhalt: 33 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 10 Tabellen
Kurztext: ALMA has detected substructures in numerous protoplanetary disks at radii from a few to over a hundred au. These substructures are commonly thought to be associated with planet formation, either by serving as sites fostering planetesimal formation or arising as a consequence of planet-disk interactions. Our current understanding of substructures, though, is primarily based on observations of nearby star-forming regions with mild UV environments, whereas stars are typically born in much harsher UV environments, which may inhibit planet formation in the outer disk through external photoevaporation. We present high resolution (∼8 au) ALMA 1.3 mm continuum images of eight disks in σ Orionis, a cluster irradiated by an O9.5 star. Gaps and rings are resolved in the images of five disks. The most striking of these is SO 1274, which features five gaps that appear to be arranged nearly in a resonant chain. In addition, we infer the presence of gap or shoulder-like structures in the other three disks through visibility modeling. These observations indicate that substructures robustly form and survive at semi-major axes of several tens of au or less in disks exposed to intermediate levels of external UV radiation as well as in compact disks. However, our observations also suggest that disks in σ Orionis are mostly small and thus millimeter continuum gaps beyond a disk radius of 50 au are rare in this region, possibly due to either external photoevaporation or age effects.
Autoren: Zachary Langford, Eric Agol
Inhalt: 20 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
Kurztext: Exoplanet transits contain substantial information about the architecture of a system. By fitting transit lightcurves we can extract dynamical parameters and place constraints on the properties of the planets and their host star. Having a well-defined probabilistic model plays a crucial role in making robust measurements of these parameters, and the ability to differentiate the model provides access to more robust inference tools. Gradient-based inference methods can allow for more rapid and accurate sampling of high-dimensional parameters spaces. We present a fully differentiable photodynamical model for multi-planet transit lightcurves that display transit-timing variations. We model time-integrated exposures, compute the dynamics of a system over the full length of observations, and provide analytic expressions for derivatives of the flux with respect to the dynamical and photometric model parameters. The model has been implemented in the Julia language and is available open-source on GitHub.
Autoren: Katie A. Crotts, Brenda C. Matthews
Inhalt: 23 Seiten, 16 Abbildungen
Kurztext: Debris disks, which are optically thin, dusty disks around main sequence stars, are often found to have structures and/or asymmetries associated with planet-disk interactions. Debris disk morphologies can hence be used as probes for planets in these systems which are unlikely to be detected with other current exoplanet detection methods. In this study we take a look at the very asymmetrical debris disk around HD 111520, which harbours several signs of perturbation such as a „fork“-like structure in the NW, as well as a 4∘ warp from the midplane on either side of the disk. We simulate the complicated disk morphology using the code REBOUND, with the goal of constraining the possible mass and orbit of the planet responsible for the observed structures. We find that a ∼1 Mjup, eccentric planet that is inclined relative to the disk and has a semi-major axis of ≳200 au, is able to reproduce the majority of disk features including the warp, fork and radial extent asymmetry. To create the surface brightness asymmetry, a second eccentric planet is required inside the disk inner edge (50 au), although we are unable to produce the 2 to 1 brightness asymmetry observed, suggesting that a second mechanism may be required. Our work demonstrates how debris disk morphologies alone can be used to learn more about the architecture and evolution of a system as a whole, and can provide planet constraints to determine potential targets for current/future instruments such as JWST/NIRCam and GPI 2.0.
Autoren: Dafa Li, Yao Liu, Hongchi Wang, Min Fang, Lei Wang
Inhalt: 10 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: Investigating the dust grain size and its dependence on substructures in protoplanetary disks is a crucial step in understanding the initial process of planet formation. Spectral indices derived from millimeter observations are used as a common probe for grain size. Converting observed spectral indices into grain sizes is a complex task that involves solving the radiative transfer equation, taking into account the disk structure and dust properties. In this work, we ran reference radiative transfer models with known disk properties, and generated four synthetic images at wavelengths of 0.8, 1.3, 3, and 7.8 mm, representing high-resolution continuum observations. Rings and gaps were considered in the setup. We fit the synthetic images using the analytic solution of the radiative transfer equation to investigate the circumstances under which the input grain sizes can be recovered. The results show that fitting images at only two wavelengths is not sufficient to retrieve the grain size. Fitting three images improves the retrieval of grain size, but the dust surface density is still not well recovered. When taking all of the four images into account, degeneracies between different parameters are highly reduced, and consequently the best-fit grain sizes are consistent with the reference setup at almost all radii. We find that the inclination angle has a significant impact on the fitting results. For disks with low inclinations, the analytic approach works quite well. However, when the disk is tilted above about 60 degree, neither the grain size nor the dust surface density can be constrained, as the inclination effect will smooth out all substructures in the radial intensity profile of the disk.
Autoren: Samantha M. Lawler, Rosemary E. Pike
Inhalt: 19 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle
Kurztext: The small bodies in the Kuiper Belt region of the distant Solar System are leftovers from planet formation. Their orbital distribution today tells us about how giant planets migrated, while their surface properties, shapes, and sizes tell us about formation processes and collision rates. Probing these intrinsic properties requires a careful understanding of the observational biases that are a part of any telescopic survey that discovers small bodies. While many of the details of giant planet migration are now understood due to careful comparison between de-biased discoveries in the Kuiper Belt and computational simulations, some discoveries have orbits that are still not easy to explain. Upcoming surveys such as the planned survey on Vera Rubin Observatory will help us to leverage the Kuiper Belt and refine our knowledge about the formation and dynamical history of our own Solar System.
Autoren: Rahul Arora, Jayesh Goyal
Inhalt: 12 Seiten, 12 Abbildungen, 4 Tabellen
Kurztext: Albedo is one of the important characteristics of hot Jupiter exoplanets. However, albedo constraints have been obtained for very few exoplanets. In this work, we present the TESS Phase Curve observations of WASP-18b, WASP-19b, WASP-121b, WASP-43b, WASP-17b, and WASP-77b, all JWST targets for atmospheric characterization and constrain their occultation depth as well as geometric albedo (Ag). We use a grid of self-consistent model atmospheres to constrain the metallicity, C/O ratio, and heat re-distribution for these six targets by fitting to their HST and/or Spitzer observations and also compute the thermal contribution to total occultation depth in the TESS bandpass. We report the first value of TESS occultation depth for WASP-17b (151+83−66) and updated value for WASP-77Ab (94+53−62). We find self-consistent models constrain high values of thermal contribution to total occultation compared to Planck models. We find very low Ag values for WASP-18b (< 0.089), WASP-19b (< 0.022), WASP-121b (0.0+0.055−0.104), WASP-77Ab (0.017+0.126−0.147) and significantly higher value for WASP-43b (0.109+0.086−0.088) and WASP-17b (0.401+0.526−0.307). We find WASP-17b lies in the ideal spot of low gravity and low equilibrium temperature, conducive for cloud formation, leading to high Ag. With the best-fit models, we constrain low heat re-distribution for all planets, with WASP-18b having the least. We also constrain sub-solar metallicity for all planets except WASP-17b and WASP-19b. We find a highly sub-solar C/O ratio for WASP-77Ab and WASP-43b, solar for WASP-18b, and super-solar for WASP-121b. The best-fit P–T profiles show thermal inversion for WASP-18b and WASP-121b and none for WASP-77b and WASP-43b, which is in agreement with previous works.
Autoren: Patricio E. Cubillos
Inhalt: 9 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: Gen TSO is a noise calculator specifically tailored to simulate James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) time-series observations of exoplanets. Gen TSO enables the estimation of signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) for transit or eclipse depths through an interactive graphical interface, similar to the JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC). This interface leverages the ETC by combining its noise simulator, Pandeia, with additional exoplanet resources from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, the Gaia DR3 catalog of stellar sources, and the TrExoLiSTS database of JWST programs. The initial release of Gen TSO allows users to calculate S/Ns for all JWST instruments for the spectroscopic time-series modes available as of the Cycle 4 GO call. Additionally, Gen TSO allows users to simulate target acquisition on the science targets or, when needed, on nearby stellar targets within the visit splitting distance. This article presents an overview of Gen TSO and its main functionalities. Gen TSO has been designed to provide both an intuitive graphical interface and a modular API to access the resources mentioned above, facilitating planing and simulation of JWST exoplanet time-series observations. Gen TSO is available for installation via the Python Package Index and its documentation can be found at
Autoren: Qier An, Tiger Lu, G.Mirek Brandt, Timothy D Brandt, Gongjie Li
Inhalt: 14 Seiten, 10 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: Planet-star obliquity and planet-planet ]mutual inclination encode a planetary system’s dynamical history, but both of their values are hard to measure for misaligned systems with close-in companions. HAT-P-11 is a K4 star with two known planets: a close-in, misaligned super-Neptune with a ≈5-day orbit, and an outer super-Jupiter with a ≈10-year orbit. In this work we present a joint orbit fit of the HAT-P-11 system with astrometry and S-index corrected RV data. By combining our results with previous constraints on the orientation of the star and the inner planet, we find that all three angular momenta — those of the star, planet b, and planet c — are significantly misaligned. We confirm the status of planet c as a super-Jupiter, with 2.68±0.41MJup at a semimajor axis of 4.10±0.06AU, and planet b’s mass of Mbsinib=0.074±0.004MJup. We present the posterior probability distribution of obliquity between star A and planet c, and mutual inclination between planet b and planet c.
Autoren: Yukun Huang, Wei Zhu, Eiichiro Kokubo
Inhalt: 11 Seiten, 4 Abbildungen
Kurztext: We develop analytical tools and perform three-body simulations to investigate the orbital evolution and dynamical stability of binary planets within star clusters. Our analytical results show that the orbital stability of a planetary-mass binary against passing stars is mainly related to its orbital period. Critical flybys, defined as stellar encounters with energy kicks comparable to the binary binding energy, can efficiently produce a wide range of semimajor axes (a) and eccentricities (e) from a dominant population of primordially tight JuMBOs. The critical flyby criterion we derived offers an improvement over the commonly used tidal radius criterion, particularly in high-speed stellar encounters. Applying our results to the recently discovered Jupiter-Mass Binary Objects (JuMBOs) by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), our simulations suggest that to match the observed ∼9% wide binary fraction, an initial semimajor axis of a0∼ 10-20 au and a density-weighted residence time of χ≳104 Myr pc−3 are favored. These results imply that the JWST JuMBOs probably formed as tight binaries near the cluster core.
Autoren: Emilia Vlahos, Yayaati Chachan, Vincent Savignac, Eve J. Lee
Inhalt: 17 Seiten, 7 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
Kurztext: Atmospheric composition of exoplanets is often considered as a probe of the planet’s formation condition. How exactly the initial chemical memory may be altered from the birth to the final state of the planet, however, remains unknown. Here, we develop a simple model of pollution of planetary atmosphere by the vaporization of infalling planetesimal of varying sizes and composition (SiO2 inside 1 au and H2O outside 1 au), following their trajectory and thermal evolution through the upper advective and radiative layers of a sub-Neptune class planet during the late stage of disk evolution. We vary the rate of pollution by changing the solid content of the disk and by dialing the level of disk gas depletion which in turn determines the rate of planetary migration. We find that pollution by silicate grains will always be limited by the saturation limit set by the thermal state of the atmosphere. By contrast, pollution by water ice can lead to ∼2–4 orders of magnitude variation in the atmospheric water mass fraction depending on the solid and gas content of the disk. Both cases suggest that post-formation pollution can erase the initial compositional memory of formation. Post-formation pollution can potentially transform sub-Neptunes with H/He-dominated envelope that initially formed beyond the iceline to waterworlds (water-enriched envelope) when the disk gas is depleted by ≳2 orders of magnitude, allowing gentle migration. We additionally discuss the expected C/O ratio profile under pollution by water and refractory carbon species.
Autoren: Gabi Wenzel, Thomas H. Speak, P. Bryan Changala, Reace H. J. Willis, Andrew M. Burkhardt, Shuo Zhang, Edwin A. Bergin, Alex N. Byrne, Steven B. Charnley, Zachary T. P. Fried, Harshal Gupta, Eric Herbst, Martin S. Holdren, Andrew Lipnicky, Ryan A. Loomis, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Ci Xue, Anthony J. Remijan, Alison E. Wendlandt, Michael C. McCarthy, Ilsa R. Cooke, Brett A. McGuire
Inhalt: 40 Seiten, 15 Abbildungen, 7 Tabellen
Kurztext: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most ubiquitous compounds in the universe, accounting for up to ~25% of all interstellar carbon. Since most unsubstituted PAHs do not possess permanent dipole moments, they are invisible to radio astronomy. Constraining their abundances relies on the detection of polar chemical proxies, such as aromatic nitriles. We report the detection of 2- and 4-cyanopyrene, isomers of the recently detected 1-cyanopyrene. We find that these isomers are present in an abundance ratio of ~2:1:2, which mirrors the number of equivalent sites available for CN addition. We conclude that there is evidence that the cyanopyrene isomers formed by direct CN addition to pyrene under kinetic control in hydrogen-rich gas at 10 K and discuss constraints on the H/CN ratio for PAHs in TMC-1.
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