Submissions und Replacements bei arXiv vom 14.10.2024

Für den 14.10.2024 wurden 6 Preprints aus Themenbereich der exoplanetaren Forschung bei arXiv veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich um 5 Submissions und 1 Replacement.



Autoren: Jason T. Wright, Macy Hustonb, Aidan Groenendaal, Lennon Nichol, Nick Tusay

Inhalt: 11 Seiten, 1 Abbildung

Kurztext: In this third installment of SETI in 20xx, we very briefly and subjectively review developments in SETI in 2022. Our primary focus is 80 papers and books published or made public in 2022, which we sort into six broad categories: results from actual searches, new search methods and instrumentation, target and frequency selection, the development of technosignatures, theory of ETIs, and social aspects of SETI.


Autoren: Urs Schäfer, Anders Johansen, Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund

Inhalt: 15 Seiten, 14 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: The streaming instability is a mechanism whereby pebble-sized particles in protoplanetary discs spontaneously come together in dense filaments, which collapse gravitationally to form planetesimals upon reaching the Roche density. The extent of the filaments along the orbital direction is nevertheless poorly characterised, due to a focus in the literature on small simulation domains where the behaviour of the streaming instability on large scales cannot be determined. We present here computer simulations of the streaming instability in boxes with side lengths up to 6.4 scale heights in the plane. This is 32 times larger than typically considered simulation domains and nearly a factor 1,000 times the volume. We show that the azimuthal extent of filaments in the non-linear state of the streaming instability is limited to approximately one gas scale height. The streaming instability will therefore not transform the pebble density field into axisymmetric rings; rather the non-linear state of the streaming instability appears as a complex structure of loosely connected filaments. Including the self-gravity of the pebbles, our simulations form up to 4,000 planetesimals. This allows us to probe the high-mass end of the initial mass function of planetesimals with much higher statistical confidence than previously. We find that this end is well-described by a steep exponential tapering. Since the resolution of our simulations is moderate — a necessary trade-off given the large domains — the mass distribution is incomplete at the low-mass end. When putting comparatively less weight on the numbers at low masses, at intermediate masses we nevertheless reproduce the power-law shape of the distribution established in previous studies.


Autoren: Ludovic Huguet, Quentin Kriaa, Thierry Alboussière, Michael Le Bars

Inhalt: 40 Seiten, 16 Abbildungen

Kurztext: The ubiquitous phenomena of crystallization and melting occur in various geophysical contexts across many spatial and temporal scales. In particular, they take place in the iron core of terrestrial planets and moons, profoundly influencing their dynamics and magnetic field generation. Crystallization and melting entail intricate multiphase flows, buoyancy effects, and out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics, posing challenges for theoretical modeling and numerical simulations. Besides, due to the inaccessible nature of the planetary deep interior, our understanding relies on indirect data from seismology, mineral physics, geochemistry, and magnetism. Consequently, phase-change-driven flows in planetary cores constitute a compelling yet challenging area of research. This paper provides an overview of the role of laboratory fluid dynamics experiments in elucidating the solid-liquid phase change phenomena occurring thousands of kilometers beneath our feet and within other planetary depths, along with their dynamic repercussions. Drawing parallel with metallurgy, it navigates through all scales of phase change dynamics, from microscopic processes (nucleation and crystal growth) to macroscopic consequences (solid-liquid segregation and large-scale flows). The review delves into the two primary planetary solidification regimes, top-down and bottom-up, and elucidates the formation of mushy and/or slurry layers in the various relevant configurations. Additionally, it outlines remaining challenges, including insights from ongoing space missions poised to unveil the diverse planetary regimes.


Autoren: S. L. Casewell, M.R. Burleigh, R. Napiwotzki, M. Zorotovic, P. Bergeron, J. R. French, J.J. Hermes, F. Faedi, K. L. Lawrie

Inhalt: 10 Seiten, 9 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen

Kurztext: GD1400AB was one of the first known white dwarf+brown dwarf binaries, and is the only one of these systems where the white dwarf is a ZZ Ceti pulsator. Here we present both radial velocity measurements and time series photometry, analysing both the white dwarf pulsations and the effects of irradiation on the brown dwarf. We find the brightness temperatures of 1760/pm10 K for the night side and 1860/pm10 K for the day side indicate the brown dwarf is hotter than spectra have previously suggested, although brightness temperatures calculated using a larger radius for the brown dwarf are consistent with previously determined spectral types. We also discuss the likely evolutionary pathway of this binary, and put its common envelope phase into context with the other known systems.


Autoren: Vinicius M. Placco, Arvind F. Gupta, Felipe Almeida-Fernandes, Sarah E. Logsdon, Jayadev Rajagopal, Erika M. Holmbeck, Ian U. Roederer, John Della Costa, Pipa Fernandez, Eli Golub, Jesus Higuera, Yatrik Patel, Susan Ridgway, Heidi Schweiker

Inhalt: 25 Seiten, 11 Abbildungen, 9 Tabellen

Kurztext: In this work, we present high-resolution (R~100,000), high signal-to-noise (S/N~800) spectroscopic observations for the well-known, bright, extremely metal-poor, carbon-enhanced star BD+44 493. We determined chemical abundances and upper limits for 17 elements from WIYN/NEID data, complemented with 11 abundances re-determined from Subaru and Hubble data, using the new, more accurate, stellar atmospheric parameters calculated in this work. Our analysis suggests that BD+44 493 is a low-mass (0.83Msun) old (12.1-13.2Gyr) second-generation star likely formed from a gas cloud enriched by a single metal-free 20.5Msun Population III star in the early Universe. With a disk-like orbit, BD+44 493 does not appear to be associated with any major merger event in the early history of the Milky Way. From the precision radial-velocity NEID measurements (median absolute deviation – MAD=16m/s), we were able to constrain companion planetary masses around BD+44 493 and rule out the presence of planets as small as msin(i)=2MJ out to periods of 100 days. This study opens a new avenue of exploration for the intersection between stellar archaeology and exoplanet science using NEID.



Autoren: Tamami Okamoto, Shigeru Ida

Inhalt: 17 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen

Kurztext: Earth and other rocky bodies in the inner Solar System are significantly depleted in carbon compared to the Sun and interstellar medium (ISM) dust. Observations indicate that over half of carbon in the ISM and comets is in refractory forms, like amorphous hydrocarbons and complex organics, which can be building blocks of rocky bodies. While amorphous hydrocarbons are destroyed by photolysis and oxidation, radial transport of solid particles can limit carbon depletion, except when complex organics, which are less refractory, are the main carbon source. We aim to identify conditions for severe carbon depletion in the inner Solar System by introducing more realistic factors: differences in stickiness between icy and silicate particles, and high-temperature regions in the disk’s upper optically-thin layer, which were not considered in previous studies. We perform a 3D Monte Carlo simulation of radial drift and turbulent diffusion in a steady accretion disk, incorporating ice evaporation/re-condensation, photolysis/oxidation of hydrocarbons in the upper layer, and pyrolysis of complex organics. Our results show that the carbon fraction drops by two orders of magnitude inside the snow line under two conditions: i) silicate particles are much less sticky than icy particles, leading to a rapid decline in icy pebble flux while silicates accumulate inside the snow line, and ii) high-temperature regions in the disk’s upper layer stir silicate particles into UV-exposed areas. These conditions reproduce carbon depletion patterns consistent with observations and allow for diverse carbon fractions in rocky bodies. This diversity may explain the wide variation of metals in white dwarf photospheres and suggest different surface environments for rocky planets in habitable zones.



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Michael Johne

500 g Ahnenforschung, 400 g Astronomie, 200 g Informatik​, 150 g Namenkunde, 2 EL Sprachinteresse, 1 Prise Scifi, 1 Schuss Geschichte. Alles gut vermischen, lange einwirken lassen und fertig bin ich!

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